Call for ban on .500 S&W handguns

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I think that is stupid. A .22 can kil just as well as a .500 mag with a well placed shot. It doesnt matter if they ban them. The criminals can still get them. The only people who wont have them will be the law-abiding citizens.
They want to ban scary stuff... but they refuse to leave bad guys rot in jail for life when they are repeat offenders.

Jim Brady was shot with a .22, but they get more of a rise out of the ignorant when they speak about "assault weapons". Better to leave the hunter's guns out of the debate or they will rile up the masses. Even a lot of hunters are supportive of banning "assault weapons", out of ignorance.

Guy Smith does a lot of good work for those of us who think. He has put together a great reference for gun facts and myths:

Use it to send your legislators facts about guns so they can't spout the false statements without at least being told the facts. They will have to reckon with the facts eventually... if we keep them accountable!

When was the last time you saw a criminal using one of those giant, unwieldy things???

I think of them more as useless novelties than I do actual weapons.
It was the time I was in Metropolis and I saw a guy single-handedly blast away at 42 armed guards with his big boomer while he was stealing the secret recipe to the super big gulp. He jumped into his monster truck and easily outran the law when he flipped the switch to the attached JATO rockets. I think he is hiding on an island surrounded by sharks with laser beams so nobody can get to him.
This Reminds Me of an Old Joke

A billionaire (it used to be millionaire but what the hell-in a few years it'll be a trillionaire) met this incredibly beautiful woman. He did his best to bed her but she refused his every advance. Finally he offered her 10 million dollars to sleep with him. She agreed immediately.

He then said he probably couldn't afford 10 million how about just 10 bucks. Her response was, "What do you think I am? A prostitute?"

His reply, "Well we've already established the principle, now we're just negotiating price!"

The effort to ban .50 - or any other restriction on the RKBA - is just establishing a principle for the antis. After that it comes down to using their position to negotiate us below the guarantees of the SA.
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