Californians...READ! Its getting real bad on SB23

GOD D#$@@#$ #$*()* $#)($*)(#()

I really hate Perata. That guy makes me want to puke. And from what I understand, he has a CCW and uses it too. Son of a #$*&(#

[This message has been edited by Mute (edited March 24, 1999).]
Perata is the absolute most rabid gungrabber in the nation. The only thing that's saved us from previous incarnations of his "junk gun" and "assault rifle" bans has been the extremism of them...he just can't *resist* adding in what amounts to "it can fling bullets out, therefore it's either for "assault" or it's junk depending on what we're talking about".

This is the same clown that came up with the brilliant concept of making firearms safety instructors and martial arts teachers criminally liable for the misdeeds of their students. Attacking the 2nd isn't enough, he's ready to start in on the first.

God, what a twit.

Jim March
SB-23 Update


As most of you know, SB-23 passed in the Senate Public Safety Committee this week. We fully expected it to move easily through Committee levels. Some of you are concerned that the fight is over as a result of the Committee's actions. Let's understand the procedures of the legislature before you throw in the towel.

Public Safety Committee level approval was a forgone conclusion. The Assembly and Senate are required to get all bills with a financial impact out of Committee level by the end of the second week of April. The bill currently resides in the Senate Appropriations Committee where money is approved in order to pay for the bill if it eventually becomes law. Whether funds will be approved for the bill is unknown, but generally, bills of a political nature that support the party in majority are approved so that it may be debated on the floor.

This does not mean that we should sit back and not voice our opinion. All members of the committee end up voting for or against the bill once it hits the floor for full debate. How a committee member votes while the bill is in committee may not necessarily be what they vote for when it hits the floor, especially if they have been inundated with calls, faxes and letters while in committee. Some committee members believe it is not their role to kill a bill in committee without a fair debate by the full legislature.

If appropriations approves the bill it will go to the senate floor for debate, possible modification and a vote. If it is passed, it then is sent to the assembly for debate, modification and a vote. If modified by the assembly, which is a forgone conclusion at this time, it must then go back to the Senate for a concurrence vote, meaning they agree with the modifications.

In other words, this bill is a long way from being approved in its current form, if at all. However, the key to getting modifications that remove as much of the harmful elements from the bill or getting the bill dumped completely is 95% dependent on public opinion. This bill requires a 2/3 majority vote, not a simple 50%, before it can become law by both the Assembly and Senate. This is why we can win against this bill.

Public opinion, starting at the committee level, is monitored extensively by legislators on both sides of the aisle and is heavily weighed as modifications are submitted or efforts to dump the bill are made. If public opinion in opposition is light, you will be guaranteed a gun ban. If it sustained, loud and continuous, even gun banners will get cold feet if they perceive they have created a hornet's nest.

Don't stop now! You must rally your friends and relatives to speak out against SB23 and other gun control bills. This is only the beginning in the life of SB23 and to stop now will assure a new law on the books effective January 1, 2000. We can't allow that to happen! Your voice must be heard loud and clear at each phase of the bill's life, not just one time.

Remember, public opinion, not the NRA, not the CRPA, not a corp of lobbyists, has the most impact on whether a bill becomes law. You've beaten back anti-gun legislation before, but you must make an extraordinary effort this year due to the Democratic majority in the legislature. You must scare them with your outrage...and they can be made to fear the electorate if they perceive the issue is too hot!

Below is our political locator along with members of the appropriations committee. Contact those members of the committee today. They must move this bill to the floor within the next week or two so we have precious little time to make our voice heard at this phase of the bill's life.

Politician Locator


Senator Pat Johnston (Chair) (Dem.) ** VOTED FOR SB-23 in PSC
State Capitol Room 5066
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 445-2407
Fax: NA

Senator Tim Leslie (Vice Chair) (Rep.)
State Capitol Room 4081
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 445-5788
Fax: NA

Senator Dede Alpert (Dem.)
State Capitol Room 5114
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 445-3952
Fax: 619-645-3094 (note 619 area code)

Senator Debra Bowen (Dem.)
State Capitol Room 4040
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 445-5953
Fax: 916-323-6056

Senator John Burton (Dem.) ** VOTED FOR SB-23 in PSC
State Capitol Room 205
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 445-1412
Fax: 916-327-7229

Senator Martha Escutia (Dem.)
State Capitol Room 5064
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 327-8315
Fax: NA

Senator Ross Johnson (Rep.)
State Capitol Room 305
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 445-4961
Fax: NA

Senator Betty Karnette (Dem.)
State Capitol Room 3086
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 445-6447
Fax: 916-327-9113

Senator David G. Kelley (Rep.)
State Capitol Room 3082
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 445-5581
FAx: 619-675-8262 (note 619 area code)

Senator Bruce McPherson (Rep.) ** VOTED FOR SB-23 in PSC
State Capitol Room 3076
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 445-5843
Fax: 916-445-8081

Senator Richard Mountjoy (Rep.)
State Capitol Room 4052
Sacramento, CA 95814
Ph: (916) 445-2848
Fax: NA

Senator Don Perata (Dem.)
State Capitol Room 4061
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 445-6577

Senator John Vasconcellos (Dem.) **VOTED FOR SB-23 in PSC
State Capitol Room 4074
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 445-9740
Fax: 916-324-0283
This is what I plan to email to each one of our state senators. Please feel free to give me your feedback about any changes or additions. Also feel free to use it as the basis for your own complaints:

Dear Senators,

It has come to my attention that once again, another irresponsible bill has been introduced, namely SB23. I hope you can understand how dismayed I am that we have so many representatives in our state capital who are so out of touch with the public they supposedly represent and how out of touch they are with reality.

I fail to see how it benefits anyone to pass legislation which are a re-hash of existing laws which have no effect on the crimes they were apparently designed to curb. It is not only a waste of your time and ours; it is a misappropriation of the funds which come out of every taxpayer’s pockets. I see any senator who supports this bill as an enemy to public interest, the safety of our children and to the constitution of the United States. I ask that everyone of you search your soul and your common sense and realize that laws which no criminal will obey, but which punishes the law abiding have no place in our society. This is your opportunity to prove you are still our representatives and not just another politician whose main concern is protecting your place in office.

Whether this ridiculous law passes or not, I will make it my personal mission in life to determine who supports this kind of foolish law making and seek their removal from office by all legal avenues available. I will make it known to all that you are an enemy to personal liberty and common sense. I will make it known that you are self-serving fascists whose only interest is in controlling those you swore an oath to serve. I will make it so.

Please act reasonably and defeat this outrage to public safety and constitutional rights. Thank you.

Alex Tham

In my opinion you were doing pretty well with your letter until the last paragraph. I would definitely refrain from using the word "fascist." This word may well be an accurate description of the legislator, but using it unfortunately paints you as an extremist. If you want your correspondence to carry any weight, you need to be polite and to the point. I might even be so careful as to not use the word "enemy." Other than that, you have a fine letter that would be a good model for others.


<A HREF="">Check this out for some tips!</A>

<A HREF="">Joe's Second Amendment Message Board</A>
I just sent this out:

Dear Senators...


Once again you have demonstrated that form over substance is your only goal. Take a minute to truly think, and ask yourselves if the passage of this bill addresses the actual gun violence that indeed occurs, or is it your typical "feel good" legislation and an attempt to convince your constituents that you are doing something, and thereby boast about your tough stance on crime during your next election?

Obviously you have heard it all before and ignored it; to whit, you are penalizing the law abiding citizens and have no effect upon the real criminal. Plea bargaining, time off for good behavior, etc is the real cause of gun violence. Of course that takes work and it is easier to coerse law abiding citizens to accept more laws, under pain of then becoming a criminal, than it is to actually legislate or uphold substantive laws.

To support SB23 plainly indicates that you have no respect whatsoever for your constituents, the Constitution of the Untited States of America and personal liberty. Further, support of this bill plainly demonstrates a violation of your oath of office, misappropriation of public funds and brands you as a promulgator of socialism. In essence, it demonstrates your unfittness for public office.

Dr.Dona Cicci

[This message has been edited by DC (edited March 26, 1999).]

Thanks for the suggestions. I have changed the word enemy to threat and facist to politico. The letter is on it's way.
