Californians, here comes the Knock out punch sponsored by HCI!!

El Jefe

New member
Okay Look, I think I have endured quite enough of the ignorant crap. If you live in California and you do nothing in the next few weeks to stem the tide of ignorant right infringing legislation then don't complain when ALL of your rights are gone. Call , Write or Fax your State legislators and let it be known that you are a voter and you will stand no more of this!! Here comes the knockout punch New proposed Gun Licensing program agenda being pushed by Democrats This will come to a vote within weeks, it is being pushed hard, Make your voices heard and get out the word!!

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

Take care and God Bless, El Jefe
For those that still live in the Peoples Republic of Kalifornia, have you ever thought of seeking political asylum in another state? Who the heck voted for these commie's anyway?


[This message has been edited by Robert the41MagFan (edited January 07, 2000).]
Why should we leave our own state? Instead we should throw the commies out of our country. At this rate pretty soon there will be nowhere to move to.
It looks like this crap is being fueled by their successes in the recent past and the presidential race, it could be designed to give gore and bradley cover/a better position at americas expense of course---and like the article said if its successful their they will push it everywhere...fubsy.
lp, if you push 'em out, please make sure you push 'em into the sea ... we sure don't want their fascist butts over here in AZ ... ;)

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited January 07, 2000).]
Since this kind of legislation seems just to keep getting through in California, I might be heretical in saying that the voters there want it.

Why are the RKBA arguments not convincing to the voters? We hear the protests of the
choir on the Internet but that doesn't do any good.

Californians should figure out why the message doesn't sell in their state.

Identify the population groups that fuel the opposition and design messages for them.
Why do voters keep electing these people? I think it's 'cause to most voters, gun rights, and civil liberties in general, are a very low priority item. Let's face it folks, we (political activists of any stripe) are a very small minority. I think most folks make their decisions right in the voting booth, and issues like taxes and the race or gender of the candidate are most important.

Sad. Very sad.
I don't believe you will ever win the battle in CA at the ballot box. There are too many liberals there. The only solution at this time is to go to the courts. As much as I sympathize with you in CA, I must say again that if you don't do this and instead just gripe and preach to the choir then in a sense you deserve what you get. I have heard that a suit is being brought, but I haven't seen it happen. How many of you are pressuring the NRA to get busy or get lost? Inaction will lose the battle for all of us. A march later this year isn't going to solve the present problem in CA. Get some top lawyers and get moving and the rest of us will contribute, but I am really tired of hearing the griping and no real meaningful action. You have an opportunity to make a challenge for the whole nation. On your side, Jerry
Posted this at boards at^27@.eeaf12b/199

That should stir the pot.

Anyone who wishes may send this to their legislator to give them a feel for just how deep the manure pile they are about to step in is.

You may have noticed that I highlighted the "7 to 10 million" in my post at jimpeel 1/7/00 12:27pm

I did this because this number is only for handguns. On the other hand, Canada has 3 to 7 million firearms of all types. If there are 250 million firearms in the United States and
California has ~12% of the nation's population, it follows logically that Californians would possess ~30 million firearms of all types. Note the following from the Canada National
Review and how much Canada has spent in its first year of firearms registration of their 7 to 10 million firearms of all types:

You may heve to "cut 'n paste" some of the links.


Ontario minister fumes over gun registry costs

Justice Department officials acknowledge Ottawa spent $195-million to set up the registration system at the Canadian Firearms Centre in Miramichi, N.B., and a separate facility
in Montreal, even though the government had said it would only cost $85-million, spread over five years.

In addition to the start-up costs, the government estimates it will cost $100-million this fiscal year and a similar amount annually over the next two years to operate the system
until it is functioning smoothly. Once that happens, the operating budget is to average $60-million over a 10-year period.

"Your government has already spent almost $295-million on the registration system," Mr. Tsubouchi complained in the Nov. 10 letter, which was also sent to the National Post.

"To put this in perspective, Ontario is investing $150-million into helping police services hire up to 1,000 new front-line officers on the streets of our province ... It means that the
$295-million your government is spending creating a large bureaucracy and red tape could have been spent on almost 1,900 new front-line officers."

(Emphasis added)

Also read the following from the same paper:

Gun registry spending soars to $100M this year (11-10-99)

RCMP warns of soaring costs of gun registry (11-11-99)

Backfiring registry (11-13-99)

Consultants find gun registry 'inflexible and inefficient' (11-24-99)

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.

[This message has been edited by jimpeel (edited January 07, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by jimpeel (edited January 07, 2000).]
As soon as I finish my degree, I'm bailing out of this cesspool.

There are only 13 Republicans in the CA legislature and that's always the number of "nays" in any anti-gun vote. The few Republicans we do have are outstanding, but the numbers are too much. Short of a campaign of intimidation and assassinations, nothing will change the way the Democrats vote.

I offer neither pay nor quarters nor provisions; I offer hunger, thirst, forced marches, battles and death. Let him who loves his country in his heart, and not his lips only, follow me.
-Giuseppe Garabaldi
If I may paraphrase the First Felon, "I feel your frustration!" :D

The problem is we (as gun owners and even as citizens) remain fragmented, argumentative, and willing to abandon major goals because we disagree on secondary goals.

I have the gut feeling that most Americans already believe the NRA is "radical". Therefore, the NRA has "moderated" its stand to attract more members in the belief that "more numbers = more power".

Those of us who realize the threat our government represents believe the NRA has become limp-wristed, compromising, and weak.

*IF* this is the case, I would think our only hope is educating "the masses" and encouraging unity. In unity there is strength - we currently have neither in abundance.

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
I agree with Robert the 41Fan - please move to a neighboring state - pronto - where we as gun owners can stand together to form a "firewall" against the ignorance spreading - then your vote WILL count, whereas if you stay in Cali, it won't - when you're outnumbered by far, the only sensible thing to do is RETREAT!
For my bretheren that are advocating that I leave well there is only one small problem, I am in the Military and not do to rotate for another 3 years. Uncle Sam would frown on my just picking up and leaving!! I am a resident of another state, (Florida VERY pro gun) and only my wife has the right to vote in this state, she is a born and bred California Girl. Fortunately she has voted Identically to me or how I would have if I had voted here, Great Woman! but it is just one vote, that is why I am apealing to the members of this and other boards, If you have friends/relatives/ or live in this state I exhort you to call/write/fax/e-mail them and encourage them to call their State senator and scream enough is enough! For the rest....Fore warned is Fore armed, watch for similar attempts in your own legislatures! HCI has a choke hold on this States senate and it needs to be broken!

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

Take care and God Bless, El Jefe
Hi all. This is my first post, though I have been lurking here for quite a while.

I also live in the People's Republic of Kalifornia. The advise and desire to move to another, more gun-friendly state is quite understandable. I was raised in Arizona and know full well what it is like to live in a state friendlier to our rights. But where will I run to next when the same nonsense is passed there as well? Or at the Federal level?

No, I'm not going to run away for a little temporary relief from the statist tide which is sweeping over all of us nationwide. Other than the inane laws and some of the people, I like where I live (Redwood country--Humboldt County). Why should I have to leave the area I love because pompous statists pass laws that deserve only contempt and firm noncompliance?

Meanwhile, those of us remaining here will hopefully keep up the good fight no matter how outnumbered we may be or how hopeless it may seem. I urge the Californians here who are not already members to join the California Rifle and Pistol Association.



It is not reasonable to reason with unreasonable people.

A governor the antis think betrayed them and a desire to "prove the need" for more gun control. Would they try to solve both problems at the same time? They believe the end justifies the means.

I tried to explain what happened here late in the "CA Attorney General Plans Ban On More Semi-auto Rifles" thread, but maybe you missed it. Here's a repost:

I'll admit that there are a lot of liberals here in California, but except for a few places like LA (specifically the 'Valley') and San Francisco (where liberalism is just off the scale, and most would consider Lenin too conservative) they are in the minority.

The biggest problem here is that the media have done just an incredible job of demonizing firearms. TV news casters and left wing newspapers like the LA Times trumpet every crime and accident that involves the misuse of a firearm. They also display a picture of a gun in the background when reporting ANY violent crime - firearm related or not. What they will NOT do is report incidences of self defense using a firearm.

The fact is that the media in general has declared total war on the Second Amendment, and California is just their most recent success story. Most people (not just in California) just don't know enough to understand that they are being manipulated. Once they get the facts most people start seeing our side of the argument as the correct side, but there just isn't any way to out shout the press. This is why I've always argued the every gun owner should include some Time-Warner, Fox, CBS, GE (NBC), and/or Disney (ABC) stock in their portfolio - even if it's just a few shares. 100 pissed off stockholders representing 10,000+ pissed off stockholders at the annual stockholder meetings would be enough to cause serious policy changes in their news divisions! Don't forget that management lives in constant fear of pissed off stockholders.

The other thing that happened in California is that the Republican Party went out of its way to alienate the Latin community that makes up about 40% of the southern half of the state, and about 30% of the total vote. These people are mostly politically conservative, but the Republicans party leadership got them to come out in droves to vote Democrat. Dumb!!!! They also limited our choices to the Republican gun grabber or the Democrat gun grabber, because they fell for the media's BS too . When the choices were limited to which gun grabber too few bothered to vote.

Folks, if you don't get off your butts and support the Second Amendment with votes, $$$, and letters to newspapers etc. (and not just gun rags - preaching to the saved is a waste of time) it WILL happen to you too!
Leaving the state is unpractical for some people. If Guns were the only thing in my life, i might leave, but guns arent' there are things in my life more important than Guns. The Silicon Valley is the best/only place to pursue the career i want when I gradutate from school which is in this state. and my family is here. and the chinese population out here is like none other outside of china.

The best way to fight is not the run. The Nationalists Party in China did it during WW2 with passive resistance, and we saw what good that did. They were forced off the mainland in '49. It we are to win the battle on a National level, we have to stand-up and fight here. cuz once you stop voting in this state, you stop effecting policy, which means the anti's win by default

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
Dont know about latin conservatives, but do know that Jerry is right the ballot is lost in this liberal infested state, and the borders are open 24-7 with immigration and guess where the immigrants come from. These 3rd world countries have little to no rights anyway so telling these people that we are losing are second amendment is like complanining to someone about the smog when they just came up for air after nearly drowning.

We must win in the courts and if that fails we all know where the next battle will be.
As to the commie heathen senators from Kali you could send a 100,000 emails to those bi***** and they would still try and pass their NAZI laws.

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited January 08, 2000).]
Below is what I faxed to my Assembly Member this morning. I also talked to her staffers about this yesterday. I printed about 50 of these and am taking them to local gun shops. I suggest some of you from California might want to do the same.



January 8, 2000

Honorable Virginia Strom-Martin
Assembly Member, First District
State Capitol
PO Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0001
Phone: 916-319-2001
Fax: 916-319-2101

Dear Assembly Member Strom-Martin:

As someone who lives and votes in your district, I strongly encourage you not to support any further gun control in the California legislature. Last year, Governor Davis signed five new comprehensive pieces of gun control legislation, making the gun control in California about the strictest in the nation. I am in agreement with Governor Davis that we should have a moratorium on new gun control legislation until we can determine the efficacy of the existing legislation.

In closing, I again urge you not to support any further gun control in the California legislature. I appreciate your time, and would like you to inform me of your position on this matter.



It is far better to dare mighty things, though riddled with failure, than to live in the dull grey of mediocrity.