California SKS Ban??


New member
As a east coaster, I have heard hardly a word in the press on the SKS ban that takes effect on Jan 1. Will most SKS owners comply or just do nothing? Are any groups saying "Here I am and hell NO I'm not giving you my gun"? They can't incarcerate all SKS owners if there was mass non-compliance can they?

Those that beat their swords(guns)into plowshares.....will be plowing for those that did'nt!
Apparently, not too many people are cooperating and turning them in

Santa Barbara county has had 6 (six) turned in; San Luis Obispo county (mine) has had 4 or 5 turned in.

Our county Sheriff was on a local talk radio show 2 weeks ago. A caller asked him about this since statewide, the known number of SKS (no one knows how many are unknown) is much much higher than those already turned in. The caller asked if the Sheriff believed that there would be a rush to turn them in this month...he said no.....
Then he was asked what would LE do...would they go after them, search records and then go confiscate.....he said no, they'd do nothing.

Dunno if he is being truthful. To his credit he is much more pro- RKBA than his predesessors and he has lightened up on CCW issue, which hasn't made him many friends among the politicos

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
the attorney general said that they will go after those who are registered. but has to real power of enforcement. most jurisdictions have better things to do tha go after people who didn't turn in there SKS's. but you never know. all these freaks out here

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
Had a caller into my show last week from LA who said to date 800 plus had been turned in......that leaves +- 16,000 that have not....:-)
I'd expect the same tactic as before:revocation of driver's license of suspected owner pending compliance. And if don't have one, catch 22!

Exactemente....on the button. That is exactly how California does
things. But the key crucial target is vehicle registration.
VR in Cali is very much like the IRS...if you don't pay, you rack up
punitive fees and then warrants, then asset seizure. They squeeze
you into submission. The diabolical aspect of it is that they use it as
enforcement by attaching your "crime" to the vehicle reg.: spousal
payments in arrears, child support arrears.
Very effective method.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I had heard on the net ,that some one makes
a new type of stock, with a non pistol grip, that was
susposed to make these guns legal when installed, but that the new stock was not yet approved by the authorities of the People's
Liberal Socialist Republic of Kalifornicateia.
Does any one have any info regarding this?

Every year,over 2 million Americans use firearms
to preserve life,limb & family.Gun Control Democrats
would prefer that they all die,instead.

[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited December 12, 1999).]
ernest2, I think you may be thinking of AR's or AK's - most SKS rifles I've seen don't have pistol grips anyway. I think they're after the SKS because it is, in their minds, sort of a Saturday Night Special rifle, and they're after those with detachable magazines. Besides ... don't you know that once we get rid of the nasty ol' evil guns that everything will be OK again? ;)

See if you haven't had the opportunity yet. It is an eyeopener.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited December 12, 1999).]
Yes, it is going to be a verrryyyyyy interesting year in Kalifornia. With that Nazi-type Govenor and his henchmen, you never know whats going to happen.
Just got back from the Pomona gun show. Its the biggest crowd I've seen at the Xmas show.I think people are showing a little civil disobedience hey, hey;!!!!!
Will that BIG knock come to your door????

From my cold dead hands.
Specifically, the SKS's that our benevolent State Government seeks to disarm us of is the detachable magazine model. It was retroactively declared an "assault weapon" under the '89 Gun Ban and all those which were registered are subject either to buyback (@ $230 a pop), destruction, or exportation out of the state. The fixed magazine model is fine, for now.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Outlawing the SKS (w/DBM) does several things:

1) It "teaches" the public to accept such confiscation of private property.

2) It divides gun owners into bite-sized groups. (The gov't doesn't want MY gun! Only those danged assault weapons!) Just wait, Jocko....

2) It drives another nail into the coffin of the Second Amendment and our Constitution.

In other words, "Get used to this, kiddies, 'cause it's just the beginning!"
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>the attorney general said that they will go after those who are registered.[/quote]

Lets all sing this song together shall we?
"Registration Leads To......."
Come on now - Cant hear you guys down there in Texas...
Lets take it from the top...

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
We, the people, are tired of being taxed, penalized, supervised, harassed,
and subjugated by a federal government which exceeds the powers
enumerated in the U.S. Constitution.
It is for your own good, comerade! Now you will not hurt yourself with bad gun. Now children be safe from your bad gun.

Love that plowshear quote.
Have another idea. Get the hell out of California and tell everyone you can exactly why you left. Letters to the editor, congressmen, senators, santa, HCI,....
Come on, why do you have to keep mis-quoting this great statement! It is not "Beat swords into ploughshares", it is "Trade swords for..." -- a paradigm for trading a life of a freeman pulling for himself and family for a life of a farm animal pulling hard for a master.