California Members! Phone Calls Needed!!


New member
As some of you may know Assembly Bill AB1471, the Microstamping bill, passed from the Assembly to the Governor's desk to be either signed or vetoed.

We NEED to stop this here in Cali before it gets picked up by other States.

Call the Governors office and oppose this!
It's all automated, no talking to anyone or wondering what to say. Just follow the layout below:

CALL the Ca. Gov's Sac number (916-445-2841)

Press 1 - for English
Press 2 - for Voice your opinion on Assembly Bills
Press 1 - for Micro Stamping Bill (AB1471)
Press 2 - to OPPOSE the gun control bill.

That's it, nothing to it! But everyting to lose if we don't do it.

I don't know if they can track if the calls all come from a few phones or not but if you have multple numbers use them. Let's put a stop to this nonsense right now.


*Admins/Mods, if this is the wrong place for this please move or delete as needed. Thank you*

This is just the sort of thing that the L&P forum is for. Hopefully we can get out the CA members to make this call. Call from home, your cell phone, your wife's cell phone and from the office.

Even RINO Gov. Schwartzenegger should veto this without too much thought.
Sent an email to the gov yesterday and tried calling at least five times today. Busy every time. I'm hoping that's others urging a veto.
Being that I'm an ex CA POW I can vouch for the statist mentality of the alleged "representatives" there.

I'll be calling again when this is posted.....
BTT for a new day and hopefully more calls.
Remember to call every day until this thing is vetoed.

Thanks to those who have called so far!
Go further!

I went further and pressed zero and talked to the legislative aid. I pointed out:

1) Small manufacturers would flee the state
2) People could be framed for a crime they did not commit - most guns are stolen anyway; how would this help?
3) Criminals file off serial numbers; they'd find a way to modify the guns
4) This would adversely affect investors
5) Criminals would simply switch to revolvers

There is 100 ways to get around this if you're a law-breaker

Anrold has not given any indication of how he would go on this - IT MIGHT VERY WELL BECOME LAW.

For those of you not living in CA - think your state won't be next?

I went further and pressed zero and talked to the legislative aid. I pointed out:

1) Small manufacturers would flee the state
2) People could be framed for a crime they did not commit - most guns are stolen anyway; how would this help?
3) Criminals file off serial numbers; they'd find a way to modify the guns
4) This would adversely affect investors
5) Criminals would simply switch to revolvers

There is 100 ways to get around this if you're a law-breaker

Anrold has not given any indication of how he would go on this - IT MIGHT VERY WELL BECOME LAW.

For those of you not living in CA - think your state won't be next?


Frank, did the aid have anything to say about it?
BTT with an update.

The Governor still doesnt have the bill in his possesion! its still being "proof-read". So send off your snail mail right now!

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814

And keep calling!!

MEASURE : A.B. No. 1471
AUTHOR(S) : Feuer (Principal coauthor: DeSaulnier) (Coauthors:
Senators Cedillo, Perata, Romero, and Scott).
TOPIC : Firearms: microstamping.
+LAST AMENDED DATE : 07/11/2007

LAST HIST. ACT. DATE: 09/10/2007
LAST HIST. ACTION : Senate amendments concurred in. To enrollment. (Ayes
44. Noes 33. Page 3160.)

TITLE : An act to amend Section 12126 of the Penal Code,
relating to firearms.

Feinstien is trying to push his through, we need to push harder!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Senator Feinstein Urges Governor Schwarzenegger to Sign Bill Requiring Microstamping Technology for Newly-Designed Handguns

Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today urged California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to sign into law a bill that would require “microstamping” technology in newly-designed semiautomatic handguns sold in California after January 1, 2010.

The California Legislature yesterday gave its final passage to the legislation, which would require new designs of semiautomatic handguns sold in California after January 1, 2010, to have microstamping technology.

Microstamping technology allows a serial number to be imprinted on shell casings as they are fired out of the gun. This would make it more likely that a gun used to commit a crime could be identified by the shell casings left at the scene.

Senator Feinstein recently supported an amendment to the School Safety and Law Enforcement Improvements Act to extend the use of microstamping technology, however the amendment did not pass out of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The following is the text of Senator Feinstein’s letter to Governor Schwarzenegger:

September 11, 2007

Dear Governor Schwarzenegger:

I write to urge you to sign AB 1471, the Crime Gun Identification Act of 2007, which received final passage in the California Legislature yesterday. This bill would provide law enforcement with a new tool, known as “microstamping” technology, which will help in the identification of crime guns and the solving of handgun crimes.

Microstamping is a series of microscopic characters lasered onto the firing mechanism and chamber of semi-automatic handguns. When a handgun is fired, the characters are transferred to the bullet shell casing. Law enforcement can rapidly link shell casings found at a crime scene to the gun from which it was fired. In 2004, no arrests were made in 45 percent of the more than 1,400 homicides committed with handguns in California. But with microstamping technology, a murderer, armed criminal, or illegal gun trafficker could be rapidly identified and arrested.

I recently supported legislation to expand the use of microstamping, when it was offered last month as an amendment to the School Safety and Law Enforcement Improvements Act in the Senate Judiciary Committee. While we were not successful in passing a national microstamping bill, I urge you to promote the use of this important and valuable technology so that we can reduce gun violence and gun crime within California.

The Crime Gun Identification Act of 2007 is widely supported by most of California’s leading police chiefs, sheriffs, and mayors, as illustrated by the attached endorsement list. AB 1471 would apply only to newly-designed handguns sold after 2010, so existing handguns and existing handgun models would not be affected, and the bill would not impact law-abiding gun owners. In short, AB 1471 represents common-sense gun legislation, designed to reduce gun crime and save lives – and it deserves your support. I urge you to save more lives and solve more crimes in California by signing this bill into law.


Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator
Law enforcement can rapidly link shell casings found at a crime scene to the gun from which it was fired.

Translation: If Mistah Gangsta picked up some of your range brass and scatters it around while having a plastic bag over the ejection port of his gun, you get the no-knock raid.