California heads-up: AB17, our worst nightmare come true...

Jim March

New member
AB17 is an attempt to repeal Calif's "state firearms preemption law", a long-standing clause banning local gun ordinances that are more strict than the state laws.

If it passes, we're screwed. Flat out. We'll see a rising tide of Chicago-style "total bans" all over the state, in most of the bigger towns and a lot of smaller ones. We'll see local rules on CCW issuance that will be draconian bordering on insane, we'll even see a total refusal to honor a valid CCW in many towns.

All the fun I'm having with my suit will be for nothing; most of what I'm fighting with is illegal actions that counter the state CCW laws, but without preemption they'll be able to legally do what I'm suing 'em over.

NOTHING ELSE is as important this session; call your legicritters and make it clear it's already nearly impossible to figure out what all the laws are a responsible gunowner needs to obey. AB17 will make it impossible.

Biggest talking point: it'll be *impossible* to figure out ahead of time if what you own or carry is legal. There'll be insane confusion clogging the courts as innocent people get roped in by a confusing morass of contradictory laws as you cross city borders.

Jim March
Its not even close to a vote was sent on to the 3rd reading, hasn't even reached the Appropriation Committee suspense file. GOC hasn't set an alert yet

Neither AB17 nor SB23 are set for final vote until middle to late July. They are both doing the normal committee cruising
"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

[This message has been edited by DC (edited May 21, 1999).]
GOC Newsletter:

...and with a vengeance!
Davis, Lockyer and Villaraigosa Promise to Take
Your Guns

It is not necessary to conduct a post-mortem about the
November 1998 elections. We all know what happened.
We got waxed!
1999 may prove to be one of the most challenging years
that California’s gun owners have ever experienced. It
may even rival 1982, when we faced (and defeated against
heavy odds and a hostile media) Proposition 15, a
statewide initiative which would have banned the
possession of privately owned handguns.
Governor Gray Davis, Attorney General Bill Lockyer, and
Speaker of the Assembly Antonio Villaraigosa are all very
confident that they will, for the first time, be able to push
through a misguided anti-gun agenda.
Governor Davis shows a strong level of ignorance and
bravado when he states in both his Inaugural Address and
State of the State speech, that “My administration will not
flinch in the face of the gun lobby. ... I will sign legislation
toughening the statewide ban on assault weapons. I was
trained in the use of automatic weapons in Vietnam. I
understand they have a legitimate place on the battlefield.
But they have no place on the streets of California.” Well,
duh! Someone should inform our Governor that automatic
weapons are already illegal in California.
Attorney General Bill Lockyer, (a person who received
his law degree while serving in the State Assembly and has
never seen the inside of a court in the official capacity as
an attorney is now Attorney General and Chief Law
Enforcement Officer!) has sponsored a task force to look
into how best to strengthen California’s so-called “assault
weapons” ban and eliminate “Saturday night specials.” As
he stated in his campaign, “reducing the number of
privately owned firearms is one of his highest priorities.”
The thought of punishing the criminal instead of the
inanimate object apparently never crosses the wasteland
that is his mind.
Speaker of the Assembly Antonio Villaraigosa has been
swayed by a new study conducted by the Violence
Prevention Research Program and directed by Dr. Garen
Wintemute at U.C. Davis (consistent supporters of gun
control). This study suggests that in order to reduce gun
violence, present laws prohibiting felons from purchasing
or possessing guns should be expanded to include many
people who have been convicted of misdemeanor
offenses. This would affect many thousands of
Californians who are presently not prohibited from
purchasing or owning firearms. Speaker Villaraigosa
believes that “The study cries out for a legislative
solution.” Of course, HCI chairwoman Sarah Brady is in
favor of such an effort. At least we know that if stupidity
ever becomes a misdemeanor, Sarah will never be able to
own a gun.
The proposed measures are a frontal assault on personal
freedom and will affect EVERY segment of the shooting
public — rifles, handguns and shotguns will be impacted
whether for hunting, competitive or self-defense uses. No
one will be spared. Fewer people will be allowed to legally
own firearms if we stand idly by and let these control freak
politicians have their way.
Look for Gun Owners of California to lead the vigorous
fight against these measures and many others that are
worming their way through the legislative system. We did
it in 1982 and we can do it again. It is time for the
sleeping giant to rise again.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"