California CCW- revisited

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New member
Hi, I have a new CCW question for you Cali types.

IS the CCW gun specific, or can you have any handgun for the CCW. Here in CT, if you have a CCW, you can have any handgun...the guns are not linked ot specific CCW's, so I can borrow a friends. In NY, you have to have a little piece of paper that lists the type of gun and serial # that you own-unlimited # of guns- a friend of mine is going to have to get a second sheet :) So which is it most like in Cali?
I read that the California CCW is gun specific and you can have only 3 guns under the CCW and you need to qualify with each gun.

This is only hearsay so please verify.
3 guns!!! What the hell is that?!?!? Oh man. I only have 4...but how can they limit the number of guns you own. Wait, is it that you can only own 3 guns, or that you can only list 3 for carrying? I can deal with only listing 3 for carrying, but I'll be damned if someone is going to tell me I can only own 3 pistols!
The Kalifornia 3 gun rule is academic as you must either be an LEO or have the Pope make your application to get a permit. Self defense is NOT a right the average Kalifornia citizen is entitled to.

This is true, but Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona is taking a step in the right direction. While "self-defense" is still not a valid reason on its own, Sheriff Carona has all but eliminated the political crap that has dominated the CCW issuance in Orange County while Sheriff Gates was in power. Many applications are being approved, with reasons such as business travel in bad neighborhoods, carrying large sums of cash or other valuables, etc.,

It's not as good as shall-issue, but it's a step.

Street Smart Professional Equipment
There really is no such thing as the "Calfornia CCW", since it's not a "shall issue" state. Each agency and city/county sets their own policy and issues (or more accurately, doesn't) their own ccw's. To my knowlege, there is no requirement or limitation set by the state restricting the # of guns covered, since they aren't the issuing body.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

The State of California sets the CCW guidelines (3 specified weapons are the limit per permit). The state issues the actual permit since it is the only one with the authority by CA LAW to issue a permit that is valid anywhere in the state.

The discretion of the permit issuance and any restrictions (like only to/from work or whatever) is left up to the Sheriff of your particular county who forwards his approval with the info to the state who finalizes the background check and issues the permit after you have passed it.

In the counties where the Sheriffs don't make it too dificult to get them, they are not likely to put the restrictions on anyways - unless you worded your application too specific, like a dork :)

Lose that nickel plated sissy pistol, get yourself a GLOCK !
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