California approved handguns? Or everything not on this list is banned?


Ok men and women,
I have been out of touch with shooting for several years raising my family (3 kids under 5) and am ashamed that I must have been asleep to miss this DOJ/CA gov. Handgun List. Does this means some handguns are now illegal in CA? I read the actual law, but it seems vague as to possession. Is this all b.s. to get manufacturers dumb enough to pay a fee to the state to be allowed to sell in-state? Confused.
The list is merely a list of what handguns that a dealer may sell to non-police. Guns who's manufacturers have paid to have them drop tested and function tested. New additions to the list must also have a loaded chamber indicator and a magazine disconnect.

A police officers are exempted (strong union) and can buy anything from a dealer. For the rest of use you can still own anything not considered not considered an assault weapon. And you can still buy off-list pistols from private parties.
So, in affect, for any gun not on the list (which is incredibly extensive - thousands perhaps), a store is no longer able to sell it, new or used, to us? Sounds like a ban too me. No more importation, no selling, only private party transfer. And how are guns falling off the list? I see them advertised that way. How does that make any sense - once was safe, now a year or two later it isn't?
The list is for licensed dealers only, as stated above. A person moving to CA can bring off-list guns with him as long as they do not violate the AW ban. So the isn't a complete "import" ban. Some new guns do trickle in.
Manufacturers have to pay up to stay on the list. Keep an eye on for upcoming details of a workaround. People came up with workarounds for the assault weapon ban and they will come up with one for the safe handgun list. You can also count on the Calguns Foundation filing legal action at some point. The list is ripe for a 14th Amendment equal protection challenge once the 2nd is incorporated.
Myself and a few of the other leadership FFLs on are essentially rendering the Handgun Roster void. More details to follow when the test transfers go through the pipelines. In getting our paperwork in front of the DOJ, we opened up something else that the DOJ was unaware of and will kill two birds with one stone with this movement. Full details will be posted on the Calguns site.

In short, for at least another month, if it's on the list you can buy it. If it's not, you can only buy it in a Private Party Transfer or PPT.

For your local FFL to sell you a brand new gun, it must be on the "approved" list. Guns on the list have a finite expiration date and will drop off the list unless the manufacturer renews them (for a fee of course).

For guns that are not on the list, you can still own, possess and use them without a problem as long as they are not banned as an "assault weapon".

If you want to sell a gun that isn't on the approved list, you can sell it to a dealer -- who must then sell it out of state -- or you can have the dealer offer it as a consignment sale in his shop. Consignments are considered private-party-transfers under the law. The good news is that buying a consignment gun does not "count" against the 1-gun-per-30-days law so you can buy several guns per month that way.

Clear as mud?
Thanks guys, makes much more sense now. Glad to hear there are those of you out there protecting your business way of life in addition to all our constitutional rights. Keep up the good work at!