California Ammo law

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New member
im a little confused with the new laws and cant seem to find any good links to read up more about it. can you guys help me understand this a little more. and inputs about it. i read that you cant buy more then 50 rounds a month. come on now thats like 30 mins at the range. thanks for the help everybody. and lets keep it clean so this doesnt get closed please. im trying to learn something here.:)
I haven't actually read the entire law (AB 962) as passed. However I do know that the 50 round limitation was stricken from the final version.

Remember, this only applies to ammunition predominately used in handguns (more on this in a moment).

The law, as I understand it, requires an extensive amount of information to be recorded at the time of a sale:
Commencing February 1, 2011, a vendor shall not sell or otherwise transfer ownership of any handgun ammunition without, at the time of delivery, legibly recording the following information:
(A) The date of the sale or other transaction.
(B) The purchaser’s or transferee’s driver’s license or other identification number and the state in which it was issued.
(C) The brand, type, and amount of ammunition sold or otherwise transferred.
Ch. 628 — 2 —
(D) The purchaser’s or transferee’s signature.
(E) The name of the salesperson who processed the sale or other transaction.
(F) The right thumbprint of the purchaser or transferee on the above form.
(G) The purchaser’s or transferee’s full residential address and telephone number.
(H) The purchaser’s or transferee’s date of birth.

Now add to this that "handgun Ammunition" is nowhere defined in the law. So what ammunition is handgun ammo? That's anyones guess and can be interpreted as tight or as loose as any LEO or DA might say.... Can the CA DOJ just issue guidelines? I suppose, but the law, as passed, does not give the CA DOJ that responsibility, so I think it will be left up to the individual jurisdictions.

And that's why Sheriff Clay Parker (Tehama Cnty) is suing. He doesn't know what "handgun ammo" is nor what constitutes ammo that is used predominately in handguns. -- No one does, as there are no studies available to define what ammo is used (predominately) in handguns vs. rifles.

Depending upon how you read the law, it seems to ban internet sales. So much so, that several internet companies are going to outright ban the sales of ammo to CA.

Again, depending upon how you read the law, interstate shipping may also be banned. One Federal District Judge doesn't want to touch the Commerce issue and has dismissed, as not ripe, 2 challenges to the law.
thanks that makes it a bit more clear. but its that handgun ammo part that got me stuck. basically no more internet buying.
It appears that the law does not ban internet sales, IF the delivery guy complies with the law and gets the information it requires.

Somehow, I don't see my UPS or FedEx delivery driver doing that, however.

So, in effect, it will end internet/mail order sales in CA.
Without actually stating they are prohibited in law.
I would think any serious shooters or any serious bad guys would drive across the state line and buy ammo there. With thinking like this, is it any reason California is broke?

I would think any serious shooters or any serious bad guys would drive across the state line and buy ammo there. With thinking like this, is it any reason California is broke?

No, no ,no, bad, bad ,bad idea. We have run out of ammo here anyway.
I don't know if this has been asked so forgive me but what does this law do to reloading components? They're already phasing outwheel weight lead and it's getting harder to come by,we're using some steel alloy or something, it'll be gone soon. Man, it's getting really bad here and we are all really concerned here. Don't know how much longer we can hold out. Pray for us.

Man, it's getting really bad here and we are all really concerned here. Don't know how much longer we can hold out. Pray for us.

Consider it done. I really feel for you guys next door. California is one of the most beautiful states. There are beaches and deserts. Fertile valleys and snow capped mountains. Places that never get warm and places that never get cold. There are areas with game aplenty.

What the politicians have done to the Golden State is unforgiviable. Unfortunately, many of their transplants are trying to replicate things here in Nevada. I should start looking at Utah or Idaho.;)
Thank you, the anti's have figured out that they can't ban guns so they're going after the ammo. Buying ammo online is the best way to get the ammo you want at a good price. Local retailers are all overpriced, except Walmart but limited selection, and if we go to all copper as I think they're trying to do it's gonna be really hard on the wallet. The sad thing is that alot of people that own guns are supporting the anti politicians, we've turned from a work for what you got society to a I'll support anyone who gives me free things society. The funny thing is that most people here actually believe a bigger Government will help them. It's their white knight, California has been a liberal experiment for some time now and look at where it's gotten us. Not cool.
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