California AB 1607

Pat McGroin:

Is that your real name???? :p ;)

Do you know Anita Goodlay or Heywood Jablome?

How about Peter Gozinya, or Hugh Jass?

You must know Ivana B. Humpin and Dick Fitzwell.



"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4
Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website
Blues man, Of course not. I needed an alias my wife wouldnt recognize.

I thought of Amanda Hugnkiss...but did not like the implications.

Thanks for the other names, they made me laugh and forget how pissed off I am right now. The prospect of this bill going through really ticks me off...
I'll say it again for the millionth time. Our Nazi Government will kill hundreds of thousands soon enough!!!!Those who defy. The line was drawn in the sand years ago!!!!!

From my cold dead hands.
If this one makes it through the legislature it may face veto by Red Davis if he abides by his own request to the legislature to not send any more gun control bills his way this year. However, I will believe it when I see it. Get out there and support Geoff Metcalf's RKBA admendment. Put an end to this incremental loss of our rights! The anti's are on a roll now and they don't want to lose any ground. Someone PLEASE, just tell me how these laws target the real problem, criminals and not law abiding citizens :(
I may be able to explain that, Bullseye.

All that is required is to re-define "criminal" to mean:
- anyone opposed to Socialism, Globalism, the ruling class, elitists, statists, etc. or,
- anyone who believes in Liberty, Freedom, or the Constitution.


Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!

The carrying of a copy of the constitution is considered suspect activity. If you are stopped by a police officer and he sees that you have a copy of the Constitution with you, you are instantly suspect. expect backup to show up forthwith and to be asked to step out of your car and to keep your hands away from your body.

If you get jury duty, the fastest (light speed) way to get out of it is to keep a copy of the citizen's handbook in your shirt pocket where they can see it. You'll be out of there so fast you won't realize you've been there at all.

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.
I LOVE it! Dig this:

The bill would provide that failure to register the handgun under that circumstance would be a misdemeanor, and permit the confiscation of the handgun until it was registered. The bill would also provide that possession of an unregistered handgun in any place other than a person's residence is a misdemeanor, and that the handgun may be confiscated and held until registered. In addition, in that circumstance, the person's handgun owner's license may be suspended or revoked.

So they are going to hold the weapon until you register it but they are going to revoke the permit by which you own it in the first place. Your government in action.

Perhaps we should start sending these clowns a copy of Haynes v. US so they can see the illegality of their ways. If the Second amendment is "settled law" in the eyes of the antis, what the Hell does that make Haynes?

We should also send them a copy of the Canadian article on how the new firearms registry used up its 5 year 85 million dollar budget plus 210 million more
in its first year -- and that was just to get set up. And they only have between 3 and 7 million firearms of all kinds total.

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.

[This message has been edited by jimpeel (edited January 12, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by jimpeel (edited January 12, 2000).]
Oh, this is just the beginning. Our beloved CA legislators are having themselves one big anti-firearms toga party.

An armory license will be next, for those of us who own more than 5 firearms or who keep more than 500 rounds on hand. It's in a pending CA bill.

Another item on the CA Socialist horizon - a ban on the sale of raw meat.


Raw meat kills. It is toxic and deadly. Just look at the 'safe handling' instructions - wash your hands, and assiduously clean all areas that come in contact with this vile poison.

BUT! For those who must have this proven killer organic matter, our benevolent CA government will issue, to those qualified, a RMHL (Raw Meat Handling License).

To qualify for a RMHL, the applicant must attend a mandatory, CA certified course covering the basics of safe raw meat handling. This course shall be a minimum of 8 hours.

The course material will include -

1) Safe raw meat handling procedures.

2) Proper storage of raw meat in a lockable container.

3) Raw meat preparation standards.

Upon successful completion of the course, and the payment of a $20.00 fee, the state of CA will issue a RMHL, valid for the period of one year.

The state of CA regretfully acknowledges the hardship that this may place upon some of its citizens, but firmly believes that it is acting in the interests of the common good.

OK, that's it ... tomorrow morning I'm calling Governor Hull and asking her to mobilize the Arizona National Guard. We have a rogue nation on our western border, and we have to close that border off before it's too late ... ;)

Wow - those folks in CA never fail to amaze me. Remember, it could be good news ultimately when they go too far ...
Jeff your right if they push too far they will reap the whirlwind. They ought to just write the total gun ban and get it over with. No one I know if turning in or registering anything. Red Davis can just pound sand.He's nothing more than a commie heathen POS rat B*****D. If we are lucky the Chi-com will get him one day.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>(3) Any licensee in possession of an unregistered handgun, the
possession of which is not otherwise lawful, shall have his or her
handgun owner's licensed revoked for a period of 10 years, and shall
be ineligible for a handgun owner's licensee for the duration of that

"Citizen's handbook?"
What citizen's handbook? Where? How do I get one? If it's good, can we buy them by the gross?

(You realize, of course, you are creating a monster here!! :) )

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
We could mail them a bunch of copies of Haynes, but all they would do is roll them up and use them for toilet paper after they run out of copies of the Constitution :mad: Gun owners should just pack up and leave as far as I am concerned. I'd much rather have you guys stampedeing from there and moving here than the current crop of commies. Jobs are just as available, especially for high tech stuff and the cost of living is a lot lower. I wonder how they intend to enforce this new law if it passes. Your taxes will certainly go up. Do they intend to go door to door checking to see if anyone has guns that they need to register. That would be interesting to say the least :rolleyes:

If stupidity hurt, most government officials would be in agony.
Just to add to the original post.....

The new Kalifornia gun owners license plus plan is out! It is moving it's way through the Kalifornia State Senate and Hand Gun Control dot inc is pressing it hard. I have already sent e-mail/fax to reps in the state senate/assembly as Kalifornia does other States are sure to follow, if you know anyone that could call their rep in Kalifornia motivate them to do so! Do not believe for a second that just because it is not your State it won't affect you! Take a minute to review the bill at

the Senators can be reached at

and the Assembly men/women (where this legislation is currently residing) can be reached at
Need help on this one ladies and gentlemen God bless, El Jefe

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

Take care and God Bless, El Jefe
Grey-brain Davis and the Legistag can take a flying you-know-what and they can shove their statist laws you-know-where! Until after the elections they can easily pass just about anything they desire and there isn't a whole hell of a lot we can do about it. This means we will have to double our efforts this November. Honestly, I'm not that optimistic.

I live in the PRC (rural North which wants to ceed from the rest of the state) and I'll be damned if I'm going to move. Where exactly am I supposed to run to? Can those of you in other states say with a straight face that the anti-gunners won't eventually do the same there as well? The way things are going I don't believe so. It will most likely fall from the federal level so even Idaho and Alaska won't be safe in the end.

Jeff, I was born and raised in Arizona and it has changed 180 degrees in the last 20 years--like all Western states which are becoming more Eastern every day. Before the Eighties people holstered pistols in the open with no problems whatsoever. Try doing this now and not ending up harassed every 10 feet because some newly-transplanted New Yorker calls the cops in a panic (no offense to the good, pro-gun NY folks on the board--the ones I'm refering to are nothing like you). When I was a kid there was no problem in me holstering a pistol or carrying a rifle to go plinking. Now a SWAT team in an APC woud be sent out.

No, it's not just California.

[This message has been edited by RMc (edited January 13, 2000).]