Calif SKS buyback...current results


Moderator Emeritus
This on the news this morning:

"Calif has a program to get assault rifles off the street; but it doesn't seem to be working. Of the estimated 5000 SKS assault rifles still being held in private hands, only 350 have been turned in for the $235 the State has allotted for each gun. There is over 90% left of the $1.2 million fund the State created to buy these guns"

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Well,... what are they going to do now?
What may have seemed like a victory to the anti's a short time ago has gotten a little more complicated.
Why haven't all those law abiding SKS owners turned in their rifles?
Could it be that the anti's were right?
That anyone who owns a gun is really a criminal anyway?
How else would you explain this situation?

So, what exactly has been accomplished so far?
Most of those nasty SKS rifles are still out there.
A significant number of otherwise law abiding citizens have been criminalized.
The level of distrust between gun owners and the police has no doubt increased.
Respect for the law has decreased.
And everybody feels a whole lot safer, right? ;)
The ones that were turned in probably came from criminals who just found an easy way to get rid of evidence from a murder. And to think a part of my tax dollars paid for this #@(#*$) program. Really ticks me off.
When I stop laughing...

Estimated "5000" SKS's out there???? C'mon. I'd bet there are 2 to 3 times that. And, are we to belive that those 350 SKS's turned in somehow wiped those gunowners from some sort of government watch dog list????

Anyone who would submit to such a Constitutional violation deserves to have their butt's in a sling. So long as every elected official still pledges to protect and defend the Constitution, every last one of these infringements incriminates them!
Huh! Imagine that! Now I guess we'll see if they want them bad enough to go around and pick them up. And if they decide to do that, I'll guess we'll see what that leads to...... if anything.
Veeerrryyy Interesting!!


[This message has been edited by longhair (edited October 21, 1999).]
I don't know how many people own SKS's illegally there, but I get the feeling they won't be lining up to turn theirs in.


Ex-convict - "Hey, Bull! How are things down at the meth lab?"

Bull - "Things are going well. I've got kids running my drugs all over town. I came in to turn in my SKS to do my part in preventing crime though. Hey, I didn't know you had an SKS too!"

Ex-convict - "It's not mine! I stole it in an armed robbery! The owner tried to stop me, but he couldn't get his mandatory trigger lock off his pistol in time! I'm gonna turn it in so I can get a bag of dope and a prostitute. Do you think you can cut me a deal?"

Yeah right. However, I'm glad to see legitmate gun owners are presenting a show of arms for what they believe in...or should I say a no-show of arms?

[This message has been edited by Drew (edited October 21, 1999).]
Thanks to SB23, the new ban on semiautomatics in Kali, people are snatching them up like crazy (just like the original 1989 ban in Kali). Lotsa ARs were being sold during last week's gun show in San Francisco.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
For those who haven't seen this program in action yet, check it out at - cynicism in action. Make sure you watch the video message from CA's Attorney General. If you weren't convinced already, this will help you see the future of firearms'ownership.

And, it's also a damn good example of the 'success' of registration.

Regards from AZ

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited October 22, 1999).]
I wonder how many of those 350 SKS that did get turned in where
1. actually operable
2. purchased for around 100 and the ownser saw a politacly correct way to turn a good profit.
3. owners who were getting a better deal than from a pawn shop.
4. Fearful owners who did not want to be the next Branch Davidian
5. the thug who already stole it and found a good way to make even more money than what LL COOL THUG was going to give him.
or 6 - the owner who is law abiding and did it because it was the right thing to do.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Jeff: while you're at it, go check - someone (<grin> ) noticed the likelyhood of people mis-typing the URL, and they should be shown a different take on the issue. The site manager desparately wants a Californian (i.e. someone more directly affected, anonymous can be arranged) to come up with a better page.
Whois details of
Interesting that its not part of the official Calif government website:

PO Box 1071 Beltsville, MD 20704 US Domain Name: SKSBUYBACK.COM Administrative Contact: Purtilo, Jim (JP19958) purtilo@CS.UMD.EDU 301 890 7122 (FAX) 301 890 7122 Technical Contact, Zone Contact: Kogge, Stephen (SK19) stevek@UIMAGE.COM 301-593-2281 Billing Contact: Purtilo, Jim (JP19958) purtilo@CS.UMD.EDU 301 890 7122 (FAX) 301 890 7122 Record last updated on 16-Jun-1999. Record created on 16-Jun-1999. Database last updated on 21-Oct-1999 04:53:13 EDT. Domain servers in listed order: TUNA.UIMAGE.COM GUPPY.UIMAGE.COM

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
DC, there's more to the story!

sksbuyback.ORG - the official CA confiscation site - was actually registered by someone in BEJING (Chinese name, email, and phone number!). When reported, the Whois data was changed several times to increasingly "innocent" sounding info. To a lesser degree, the same goes for the AUSTRAILIAN company that manages the site. (Gee...why are two big, famous anti-gun countries involved - for any fing reason whatsoever - in the confiscation of guns in da USA?)

I noticed that sksbuyback.COM and .NET were _not_ registered, and suggested on rec.guns that someone should nab them and set up appropriate pro-gun sites. The rec.guns moderator nabbed my message before it got distributed, and promptly registered and set up the sites himself. We've been hoping that some motivated (I'm in NY...interested but not quite so motivated) CA resident could set up a cool site. The theory is that people are so used to ending sitenames with .COM that we would intercept them and give them a little heads-up.

So you're right...sksbuyback.COM has no official ties to CA. More interesting, the official .ORG site has official yet conspiritorial ties.