Calif. CCW Corruption - LONG GRAPHICS WARNING, incredible content is worth it!

Jim March

New member
Call this an experiment...what follows is four pages of a police report from 1994, a guy was busted for threateningly flashing a gun during a verbal argument. He was drunk - and he blew the LID OFF a widespread pattern of corruption.

Sheriff Craig is mentioned; since he signs all permits he HAD to be involved. So was Lou Blanas, then undersheriff and just elected Sheriff after Craig's retirement.

Check this out, it's completely beyond reason...and the recent reforms with AB2022 are NOT set up to address this problem!!!

And need I mention that the corruption issues raised here were never investigated, and James Colafrancesco got off with a $100 disturbing the peace fine - and kept his permit?

<a href="">First page</a>

<a href="">Second page</a>

<a href="">Third page</a>

<a href="">Fourth page</a>

Jim March

(edited to alter bandwidth issues...they ARE worth seeing, I guarantee it.)

[This message has been edited by Jim March (edited February 14, 1999).]
Thanks Jim. This is an important little known fact that hasn't had publicity.
Last March a number of people sent copies of this to our local newspapers and TV stations all over the the Free Republik of Kalifornia the media had no interest in showing the State corruption. Even the notorious gun-grabbing, CCW holding, 9mm packing State Assemblyman Don Peralta had no interest in bringing this rotten fish to the light of day.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

[This message has been edited by DC (edited February 14, 1999).]
DC - you don't mean anti gunner Don Peralta of Alameda who has a CCW to protect him from angry constituents?

Years ago something similar happened in when a member of the San Francisco Sheriff's Mounted Posse was stopped by some police agency. The agency called the Sheriff's Dept. and asked if they knew Deputy So & So of the Mounted Posse. To their credit, the deputies told the officer, "No, he's a civilian who gave money to the sheriff for his badge. He's not one of us. Go ahead and arrest him." I howled with laughter when my buddies in that department told me the story.
Yeah that Dan Peralta ;); after all our lesser nobility needs the means to protect themselves from we ignorant and ungrateful peasants

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
To all: it's "Don Perata" representing Alameda County.

Gary: do you have a name or approximate time period on the SF case?

Does anyone know of ANY similar corruption cases anywhere in California?

Jim March
I'm gonna ask anyway.
What is the opinion of everyone as to what should be done about this?

Justice for one,Justice for all.
I gave my answer to that in the "Implications of discressionary permits" thread. We prove very basic constitutional rights violations that are NOT linked to the 2nd in court, sue for MAJOR dollars.

Jim March
Are CCW documents public record? If so we need to get a copy and see who is on it. If we can show a bias towards favoritism/elitism/cronyism, their asses are ours.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
If they're not specifically "public", then a Freedom of Information Act petition should be able to garner that info from county or court records. Then again, how "classified" is that info? Do we want groups like HCI to be able to file for FOIA and get the names of law abiding CCW holders? Hmmm... I'll have to think on this one for a bit.
So few CCWs are issued here in Calif, that to allow the lists accessible to HCI isn't going to hurt us. Calif is a CCW State on paper only. To be honest I'd like also like to see if a number of CCWs were issued to Hollywood types, Liberal politicians, etc and then compare to lists of HCI and other gun control supporters.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"