Calif. Assembly bans open carry of unloaded guns

Don H

New member
May 16th - 6:41pm
The California Assembly approved a bill Monday to prohibit openly carrying unloaded handguns in public after a debate that pitted gun rights proponents against chiefs of police.

Hopefully this will get killed in the Senate but I have no idea whether the Senate has the political will to kill it. Note that a similar bill didn't make it last year.
I decided a while back that it was time to leave CA and this is just one more confirmation that it is time. I am licensed to carry in three separate states, but not my state of residence of CA. Well, quite soon, my state of residence will be Idaho. Unfortunately, i can't quite escape all together, but we are working on permanent plan to get out lock, stock and barrel soon. I see no sensibility coming to this state anytime soon. Sad to see such a wonderful state imploding upon itself under the hand of socialism while so many other states are enacting more freedoms and confirming more individual rights. Go figure, but that is the CA way. Sad to see this coming. I wonder what a court challenge will state?
This state blows. The Senate will easily pass the bill and Brown will sign it. Let's just say the wrong party controls this state top to bottom.
By "wrong party", do you mean Californians? I didnt realize there was another political party in that state.

I figured Dems and Repubs was just different brands of button-makers in CA....
"I figured Dems and Repubs was just different brands of button-makers in CA...."
Don't want to name names but if you lived here you would know what is going on. Most everything goes down party line - period. In fact I'll get vote if possible and update this. Without have seen the "roll call" I have no doubt how it went down.
P.S.S Here is start -"It was approved 45-29 largely along party lines and moves to the Senate."
Now I'll get the facts and I bet "largely" is more than "largely."
P.S. From 5-9-11 Gold Coast Patriots - "Assembly Bill 144 by Anthony Portantino passed on a B Roll Call Vote (every Democrat in favor and every Republican opposed). AB 144 bans the practice commonly referred to as open carry. To view who voted in favor of stripping you of your constitutional right to keep and bear arms and who voted to preserve your freedom click here"
P.S.S.S Here is exactly what I knew all along and the lying P.C. media lied again - "Largely" - what a load - Sacamento Bee Article 5-17-11 "Monday's Assembly vote was 46-29, with no GOP support."
Read more:
Bottom line, I did not have to even look to know how this went down and I was right. So again I won't name names but facts are hard things for liberals.
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Sadly, the vast rural areas of CA are outnumbered by the urban centers that control the politics through the democratic party. Most folks are unaware of how many conservative Republicans are held hostage by these large population centers. It only gets worse, not better for those of us that have a love of constitutional freedoms but are suppressed by the large moocher society.
I'll be appealed of course, same as Peruta. Or the USSC will take up the MD case under Halbrook and make it all moot.
Very true. I still have to wonder if it wouldn't have come to a head if not for all the folks "pushing the envelope."
The Calif. Assembly hasen't banned anything. They voted to pass the bill out of the Assembly with a yes vote and send it to the state Senate. If the Senate approves it then it goes to the governor for his signature, which is not a slam dunk by any stretch of the imagination.
HoraceHogsnort said:
If the Senate approves it then it goes to the governor for his signature, which is not a slam dunk by any stretch of the imagination.
You really think Jerry would pass up a chance to sign a bill like this?
Everyone knows that unloaded handguns are highly dangerous and can be used to kill up to 300 people within 30 seconds.

Wish the people who sign these laws into place would grow a brain.
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Fixed it for ya.
Nope. We can agree to disagree on the intent, but the result is staring us in the face. A couple of years ago, this wasn't an issue. Then we had organized displays of firearms in public. Now there's a legislative push to ban it.

I've little doubt that the situation in California will be resolved and ameliorated in the courts, but when it is, this phenomenon will not have been the cause.
Tom, it would not have been an issue if the media had not jumped on the story and started screaming the sky is falling. OC happens everyday next door in AZ and nothing happens. They have OC dinners there too and the media doesn't cover it, so no one makes it an issue. Blame the politicians and media folks who have an agenda, not the OC crowd.
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Tom, it would not have been an issue if the media had not jumped on the story and started screaming the sky is falling. OC happens everyday next door in AZ and nothing happens. They have OC dinners there too and the media doesn't cover it, so no one makes it an issue. Blame the politicians and media folks who have an agenda, not the OC crowd.

Amen to that.
Tom, it would not have been an issue if the media had not jumped on the story
Wasn't that exactly what the people doing it wanted, though? They were looking for attention, and they got it. It backfired.

OC happens everyday next door in AZ and nothing happens.
California and Arizona are very different states. That shouldn't need pointing out.