Calif: AB17 dead for the year, for certain

Jim March

New member
AB17 is dead for the year, per a post late today on ca-firearms by Jeffrey Greene, a legislative aid to State Senator Haynes who's a consistent pro-RKBA vote.

In other words, you can bank on this.

What was interesting was how it died. It was put on suspense by it's author and wasn't put back on the table in time. Technically, it didn't "die", it turned into a two-year bill and cannot be considered again this year.

We're still waiting on better info on just what back-room deal(s) went on surrounding it. My initial read is that the grabbers realized it was just too much, too fast. They know that too radical an action in "one big gulp" will mobilize us gunnies, severely, and possibly result in lost seats for the Dems.

So they blinked. There's other horrendous bills but...bad as they are, we can survive them. To me, the big goal is to hold the line as best we can everywhere but in CCW, which must *advance* as fast as possible. We get shall-issue CCW soon enough, it'll revitalize all other aspects of gun rights.

Anyways. One down, a lot of crap to go...but it ain't hopeless.

Jim March