Calico M950 full auto?


Now, while I know that there is some difference between movies and reality, I nonetheless feel forced to ask: Are there any full auto M950:s? Because I could swear that this is the exact weapon that is used in two of my favourite sub-par action movies "Stone Cold" (biker flick) and "I Come in Peace" a.ka. "Dark Angel" (sci-fi). And those were full autos.
Calico did make a few post-samples, but there are no transferables. IIRC the F/A version was the M960. I've never had the opportunity to shoot or even handle one, but they are out there, albeit somewhat rare.
buy it she says

maybe 1985 when the 1st 22`s came out. i think it is the right rifle, a 100 mag. on the top. only a $ 125 . she told me to by it and i didn`t. it is worth a few dollars more today. there are full autos, i think some police depts . got them. rich