Calico M900


Don't know if this should be in the handguns or longguns forums, but since it is a 9mm, I will put it here. Anyway this is a pre-ban, with collapsible stock and fifty round magazine for around $450.00 Good deal? What do you all think about this weapon?

"Vote with a Bullet."
I have one with the collapsable stock. The mags are VERY expensive, but it is a fun little lead hose. $450 is low compared to what I have seen people trying to get for them. I don't think it is worth that much, but they seem to be going for much more now.
Used to have a M110, it was neat- but sold it because it wasn't that great of a gun, and like Jeff said- the mag prices border on the ridiculous.
Pretty rediculous prices until you look at how much fifty round drums for the Tommys are going THAT is nuts...glad I have one :)
How can I tell you not to get a gun, I cant, exept if its a crappy one. Anyway, get this one, $450 sounds like a good deal. Go for it. Happy hunting, good shooting.
they are fun to shoot, but not from a prone position, i had a problem with casings being ejected and bouncing back into the action, thus jamming the weapon.
Thanks for the information y'all. I think I will save the money and go for a Bushmaster, or something similar.

"Vote with a Bullet."