Caliber consistancy


New member
How much wisdom is there in having the guns (primary & back-up) you carry be of the same caliber?

I'm seriously considering purchasing the Kel-Tec P-32. Very small, very light, and VERY thin (about 1/2 inch). However, my primary is a 9mm.



"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
Unless you are using a primary and a backup that have interchangable magazines (like glocks), I don't think it makes a whole lot of difference.

For example, if your primary gun has a major malfunction, are you shoot your backup dry, are you going to have the time or inclination to move rounds from one mag to another?

The only really good reason to have a primary and backup in the same caliber is if you are like me, lazy. :)


Anyone worth shooting, is worth shooting twice...
John have you looked at the Colt Mustang or AMT backup? I would at least go with a .380.

That little Kel Tec is trick, but a winchester Silver tip .32 ACP only delivers about 60 ft-lbs of energy. If you go to Winchesters site and look at their ballistic tables you will find some .22lr that deliver more energy.

It would be better than no back up gun, but if you look around you can find a .380 or 9mm that's not much bigger and a whole lot more powerful.

Does your department have any guidelines on backup guns?

The new guy.

"I'm totin, this pistol because my dang SKS won't fit in my holster"
Having the same caliber helps you when your buying ammo. Say you find a killer deal on a case of rounds - thats good for gun A, but gun B gets zilch.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
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My personal preferance is for both to be of the same calibre. I have Glocks ( like Dorcas I'm lazy ). I even have a .40 carbine. It makes it easier for me to get ammo for all. The choise of a weapon to use as a backup should be made with the same factors as your primary weapon. How well does it fit your hand? How well can you shoot it? How well does it conseal( for the backup )? How quick can you get it into action? And of course, dept. policy, among other considerations. My dept. requires qualification with backup weapons just like our duty weapons. Our Sheriff dosen't care what weapons we carry as long as we can use them properly and they are quality weapons.

Personally, I believe the accuracy of the shooter can compensate for small calibre. However, I carry either two .40s in uniform or two .45s when in plain clothes. In either case my laziness comes out as the mags. are interchangable for both pairs.

John, in GA there are almost no restrictions as to where LE can carry a weapon. Dept. policy will play a key role in determining that though. I would also suggest carrying a set of cuffs if you are going to carry off duty, even if it's just your backup. It will be a drag to have to sit on someone you happen to catch making an unauthorized withdrawal from the local stop-and-rob while waiting for the uniformed officers to show up.

You are... What you do... When it counts.
The Masao
(This post was accidently/negligently deleted but restored by the fumble-fingered moderator. Sorry, John)

By John az/2

I'm not a LEO yet, but I am applying for the reserves in my area.

I'll have to check some more info as you have suggested.

I want it primarily for areas where deep concealment was necessary due to illegal laws not allowing people to carry.


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
John, have you ever looked at Kahr? I have a K9 - it's a great pistol, and very concealable. And, I gather they are now releasing their polymer pistol. They come in 9mm and .40.
I think it is a consideration but there is a lot of pro and con and probably with all else considered, not that important.

Personally often carry a backup for my primary Glock G22 40 S&W. My backup is a Glock G22 40 S&W....!!!! Both have high capacity magazines, both are identical. Makes for an effective tactical reload..

Best Regards.....
"Make Ready and Watch Your Six"