Calculation fail...


New member
Last year, maybe even two years ago, I took two chamber casts of my .475 Tremor, measured a few angles for feeding, and modified some magazines to feed wide meplats.
Then I took my measurements, calculated the most (of everything) that I could get away with for a 400 gr bullet with a long nose in a short throat, and had Mountain Molds cut it.

I finally got around to casting some a while back, and got around to putting together some dummies last week.

Yea, um...


I got the nose diameter / ogive wrong, and they won't chamber without excessive force. :(
(I checked dimensions. The bullets drop within tolerances, as ordered.)

To rub salt in the wound, it fits and (otherwise) feeds as intended; and is too long for the .480 Ruger unless the ogive is 1/4" inside the case.



At least it wasn't a terribly expensive mold... :rolleyes:
Perhaps I can find a caster shooting .475 Linebaugh in a TC, or a caster with another .470 / .475 cartridge that wants a 'plinking' bullet.

Time to pick out the MM 477-400s and melt them back down.

I'll have to dig out my chamber and bullet drawings again, to see how I screwed up and address that nose diameter/ogive.
I know it probably stings a bit to have miscalculated so badly, but it gives me a little chuckle just to see how much of that bullet is sticking out of that cylinder. At least you know now what not to do.
I understand. No hard feelings from me.
It's a comical sight, and not your fault.
It was entirely my screw-up.

Every custom mold is a learning experience. Most go well. This one.... We'll call it a speed bump.
Man, that's a big ol' whompin bullet. I wish I had something that would shoot it, but all I have is a .480 pistol too.