

New member
Ok, I hear a lot of people talking about caching (forgive if the spelling is wrong) and it interests me. Although I don't see myself running around the woods lost and find myself in need of supplies... I do live on a farm and may see it nescessary to store a few extra hidden supplies.
So what can ya'll tell me about it? (What to use, how deep to go, what to store (ammo, food, tools, supplies, etc.)) Thanks.

Just like a squirl filling his cheeks...

Basically this is just keeping a good supply on hand, putting it in storage.

This doesnt mean your a survivalist... Just shows wisdom. In an emergency - you may need it.

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


I just have this advise, when your absolutely, positively, sure that you have everything waterproofed enough. Keep on waterproofing it some more.

It's amazing what a large group of stupid people can accomplish.
Then what would ya'll recommend to waterproof the container and what type of container?

PVC well pipe works well as a container, add a screw type end cap or caps, if you are burying the stuff. Find the diameter you need to get what your are storing inside without dismantling the equipment. GI ammo cans work well if you have a cache where it is not buried. Several packages of sicilica gel in each container should do it. If you want to further waterproof the ammo cans, tar works well if you are not moving the cans about.

Hope this helps.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Jim V,
I like the ammo can idea cause I can get tons of those and I got a bunch of places to easily store some stuff w/out burying it, but where can I get silica gel? Brigade Quartermaster's has some kind of moisture absorber stuff, I might go for some of that, or can I just buy it locally from Home Depot, Walmart, or something?

The military uses a lot of the smaller desicant packets. Many times these packets show up in surplus stores. The packets that I use are "refreshable" in that the can be re-activated if you use them in a moisture heavy area by placing them in a 200 degree oven for a couple of hours. I'm a big fan of the ammo can storage idea, but only if you don't bury them. I believe that eventually you will have trouble with them leaking if buried.

It's amazing what a large group of stupid people can accomplish.
Got to a local shoe store and ask for the silica packs. They get thousands of them and just throw them away. Also if you really want to waterproof stuff buy one of the vacuum sealers they show on TV all the time they work great!
Heck, I thought yall were talking bout disc and stuff. "I'll get a puter education some day" Best, Hank
Dillon Precisoin has the gel. That had damned well better be the correct Dillon web site address. If I could only learn to type better. :(

Brownells has it too.

Camera shops, electronic stores all get the packets in the stuff they sell. If i were getting the stuff from those type of places would take the gel (really crystals) out of the plastic bags and put it into a cloth bag. That way you can oven dry the crystals to make sure all the moisture is out.

If you buy the commercial stuff they will include a color chart that will tell if the moisture is getting too high in the packets.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited July 03, 1999).]
Caching in ammo cans: Go to auto parts store. Get blue silicone gasket sealer. Apply inside the groove of the lid of a .50 can. After closing and locking, turn can upside down and fill gap between lid and body of can.

Either use a thick coat of deck paint or "rubberized" paint as a protection of the can against rust.

Most important part: Don't forget the cache location!
After following all of the above good info, prepare yourself to be demonized by the press and government if the shortages hit. Things that you prudently put away so you wouldn't be a burden on the State in difficult times, will turn you into a "hoarder" and "unpatriotic" person. This is what went on when silver coins became scarce
after the idiot government started replacing
intrinsic money with the play stuff we have today -- they forgot, or never heard of, Gresham's Law. Best that those who know what you have are kept to a minimum.
Great everyone! Thanks to all for the help! It looks like I'm gonna go with the ammo cans, sealer, and silica gel, because I have so many places to hide above ground (holes, tree hollows, stump hollows, abandoned sheds, barn, etc.) Now I just gotta figure out what exactly will be the best things to hide and where I might need 'em.

About the silicone sealer; Don't get the blue or clear stuff. It is highly acidic and will eat any ferrous metal it contacts. The fumes may even affect the contents of the box. Suggest you get the red heat resistant sealer. It has no acid. You can tell by the presense or absence of an acrid smell.
May I suggest that if the reason one is caching firearms is because of unconstitutional laws, then the proper response is not to cache but perhaps to lock & load.
My guns will do nothing to protect my family, myself, or our rights if they are burried somewhere. I've met many an anti who, when told we can just cache our guns, will come back with "Good. If they're burried, they're out of circulation and can cause no harm, and we've accomplished our purpose."

Shoot straight regards, Richard
The Shottist's Center
May I suggest that if the reason one is caching firearms is because of unconstitutional laws, then the proper response is not to cache but perhaps to lock & load.
My guns will do nothing to protect my family, myself, or our rights if they are burried somewhere. I've met many an anti who, when told we can just cache our guns, will come back with "Good. If they're burried, they're out of circulation and can cause no harm, and we've accomplished our purpose."

Shoot straight regards, Richard
The Shottist's Center
What I have cached is a second "get outta Dodge" set up. The primary is where I can get to it quick but if for some reason I was prevented from doing so, I still have a back up.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"