Cabelas revolvers out of stock??


New member
I see a thread from just a few days ago about 1860 armies on sale at Cabelas. They may be priced on sale, but at least on my computer, they have been listed as out of stock for at least two months. And the backorder time frame never gets here. It's 4 weeks, 3 weeks, 2 weeks, 1 week, then back up to 4 weeks. I've seen this happen with rifle ammunition before and end up just cancelling the order.

Has anybody actually gotten an 1851 or an 1860 from Cabelas anytime lately?

If you can actually get one, I'll go ahead and order one.


I got the 1860 Colt steel in .44 for under 200.00 delivered and it arrived in about four days from the purchase date.At that time it was 169.00 and 17.00 is shipping.
I ordered my Colt Walker Uberti on 9/23 and it arrived
10/6. I expected the 4/5 week backorder. The gun is
just killer nice-- fine quality. I'll be taking it to the club/range
along with the Jonathon Browning Mountain Rifle for
"black powder days." Can't wait!

David :D
Yes, it came from Cabela's. While I identified it on the
Cabela's web site, I called to make the purchase since
I used point/dollars off my Cabela's VISA plus the $20
off coupon they had sent that was good thru Sept 30th.

Why my Walker arrived in 2 weeks is a mystery to me.

But, that's the story! And, the price was right == $0 .

David :)
Cool beans!

You guys are always talking about these 20 coupons you keep getting.

I have yet to receive any coupons. Now I don't have a Cabela's VISA so that may be the reason. I have talked to them about how I get on a list for coups but they keep saying there is no list and they just send out the coupons in a random fashion.

well I am pretty random.
Doc-- About 3 years ago I became really disgusted with
Chase so I quit using the card. I still carry it and now they
beg me to use it. I applied for a Cabela's VISA (I don't care
what bank they interface with) and received one. It's the
pretty typical points card but every time I have a question
about a billed item and call, they are soooo nice. The issue
is generally my fault not Cabela's. I'm actually a Browning
collector having purchased a few firearms thru Cabela's
especially when there is a chance the gun might have to
be returned (e.g. saltwood issues). Cabela's stands behind
their preowned firearms- - I like that. So they send Cabela's
VISA Club members these coupons from time to time plus
push certain outfit items at discount via e mail announcements.

People think Cabela's preowned firearms are overpriced and many
are. But, if you study up on the gun you want, and let's say
it hangs around, Cabela's will discount the gun-- yes, they have
to be ready to do it. My Browning T2 TBolt and BSS 12g are
both Cabela's purchases-- and, I could not have been more
pleased with the negotiated price.

Anyway, that's my story.

David :)

I figured it had something to do with a card.

It is good to learn that you are happy with the card and the service.