Cabelas misprint?

Missoura Don

New member
Hey all, hope everyones doin fine....I was searching Cabelas sight, looked up the 1860 Army, and under "Product Description", youll see..."Additional Information", and then, "Read buyers guide", and if you read this buyers guide, they say the starter kit comes with the usual accesories, and..NIPPLES!! Now....I pretty much know for a fact that spare nipps dont come with the starters kit...Ya think iffn I printed this out, took it to the big "C" (I live about 30 minutes from the store in Kansas) and showed them this..theyd have to include free nipps with my revolver and starter kit? Just a thought, cause I think Im gonna get an Army this weekend...I just think...if they gonna advertise this, they oughtta deliver!!!!!
The pistol probably does have what they say is in the starterpack, it is a blister pack with the pistol and all the things they far as I understand. Do yourself a favor and buy the spareparts kit also good to have if something breaks.
How is the SB Remmy coming along? Hope you haven't given up on it.
Howdy there Mr. Dragoon...Well, the SB Rem is still here, havnt been able to post any pics yet, work and all...but will try to get a camera this wekend and try to figure out how to post pics here..I know you or one of the other shooters sent a link on how to post pics, will have to check into that, and show ya what she looks like Ill send a pic of her assembled and close ups of her dissasembled, but it may be a couple of months yet before Im able to send finished pics, cuae i just have to get me a '60 Army this weekend, ( a buddy at work brought his 2nd generation Colt to work and let me fondle it) so it looks like the SB is gonna be put on hold fer a month or two...I called Cabelas, and they said different starter kits come with with different pistolas, wich is a shock to me, because when I bought my '51 Navy here a while back, I was told " This is the only starter kit we have"....must be a new policy i guess...anyways...will add pics soon of the SB and the new Army..and I know bout them spare replacement part kits...gotone two weeks ago...just gotta figger out how to do the fine "tunin" on em!!