CA Vote by County


New member
For those of you who always complain about CA and how they vote... here are the results on a county-by-county basis...

Please note that if we could just get the San Andréa’s fault to drop into the sea, our problems here on the left coast would be solved... :) Maps like this one is what really makes me mad... 20% of the state controls what the rest of the state does. San Fran is the bastion of moral decay... as the population has grown here it has moved outwards along the major highway routes, 80 to the east (Sacramento), and 101 both north and south. Then there is LA county.

So please when cutting CA remember that we in the rural part of the state do our best to stem the tide, but we are vastly out numbered.
This sad, sad course of events was similar through out the country. I went to

to check out stuff for my M1A. The graphic on their page gives the county by county results. Long story short, Bush won almost 4 times the number of counties v. Al jr.

And now, with Dems counting votes that would have been trashed in any other district in any other county in any other state, and then disqualifying votes from overseas, (read MILITARY), well... it's really hard not to think that they're playing some "under the table" games.

And they can still keep a straight face...scum!
Guess I'll just have to start complaining about the California Coastline then :D Keep up the fight out there, don't let the coastline creep up and knock you over.
All states should split the electoral votes based on assembly districts, like Maine. This filter method would work well in the PRK. But an unlikely chance with the Socialist Democrats controlling the state.
Federal money

I bet if you could map the federal money that gets redistributed to slackers, welfare mothers and illegal immigrants, you would find that the majority of that money goes to the Gore counties. Just my opinion.
Ledbetter, I would also say that those are the areas more likely to have crime.
And, if I were a criminal, I would vote for Gore too.

In fact, I would vote for anyone against guns who would make my job easier.

NOTHING better for criminals than reducing the number of guns in law-abiding hands.
Chaingun, that's exactly what you don't want to do.

Here's the scoop: under the current rules, small states have a bit more power than big ones. Or put another way, two states of 1mil population each will collectively have two more EC votes than a larger state of 2mil pop.

Anything that screws that up, screws us - "us" being pro-freedom folk in general, RKBA folk in particular.

It's the smaller states that are generally more pro-freedom.

All those tasty votes from the conservative areas of Calif may look tasty, but the price is too high.

Worse, any attempt for a state to voluntarily split itself in this fashion waters down it's potential value to politicians. So that state's needs and values are given less thrift than that of states still doing the "winner take all" thing.

Well, at least California made some progress in knocking back the Clinton/Gore tidal wave of '96.
Maybe that will temper them a little, maybe not.
Here in the Napa Valley, I doubt if I saw more than a half dozen bumper stickers for anybody of any party. The county is listed as being in the Gore Kamp, but I know my little village voted for Bush, probably at the rate of 20 to one if not better. There are only a couple of people on my street that are Demos, nice enough people, but Hollywood types that travel a lot.

The ultimate goal of anyone with any sense in this state is to move out of it.
My family moved out of California in '93. But it is good to see that my home of Merced county went Bush. Northern, and Central California are nothing like the urban mega-centers on the coast.