CA-latest VetoTheGovernor Sitrep


New member
I received this tonight. I urge all of you CA residents to take part in this; many of you did for the SB23 referrendum. I have already booked speaking arangements in all the CCW classes in my county, and put dates on the calendar for the grocery store petition drive. I urge all of you to do the same or similar.



Here is the latest SITREP from Veto The Governor. To be removed from the
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Last SITREP of 1999

The patience necessary to wait, and wait, and wait can be and is a
challenge. However, as we continue to wait for 'Title and Summary' from
the Department of Injustice, permit me a few housekeeping chores:

1. A mere 'Thank You' to everyone is grossly inadequate a means of
expressing appreciation for what we DID accomplish during the fight to
qualify the SB-23 Referendum. Despite having failed in collecting
sufficient signatures to qualify for the ballot, the effort was truly
extraordinary and everyone involved should be proud of what you did. While
so many other so-called defenders of liberty talked and talked and groused
from the shadows, YOU did something and for that you are to be commended.

2. During this 'down time' transition between the referendum and our
California Constitutional Amendment we have been trying to build
coalitions and enlist support from as many like minded groups as possible.
Many of you have noted that if we had had the support of certain
institutional second amendment groups we could have qualified for the
ballot. You may be right. If we had had the help we could have and should
have had we would not now be facing the implementation of SB-23 and may
have averted the lawsuits to follow. However, that is split milk. Lou
Rawls had a song "If I could, I would, I should of" What was is history
and prelude.

3.Several of you were annoyed that you received a notification regarding
Assemblyman Bill Campbell's Parental Notification Initiative. You said we
are a gun rights group and should not be muddying the waters with off
topic issues. You may be right. When we kick off the next signature
gathering effort we will again be very single focused to the exclusion of
all else. However, the choice to send the notice was mine and mine alone.
You are free to respond, or ignore it. Bill is 'close' and his effort may
fall short without the last minute push. If we had had that nudge from
other like minded but not single-issue supporters things may have been
different. To those who were offended I apologize. However, please note:
We did NOT give our list to anyone and never will. Only two people have
access to our list, our webmaster and me. WE sent the notice and no one
knows who you are or how to contact you. You were and are free help Bill
or ignore the notice. As we move along in our efforts I will ask him for
reciprocity and ask that he notify his database of OUR efforts.

4.There still those of you who do not like the language of the amendment.
You feel it is not strong enough, or is unnecessary given the Second
Amendment. It may not be as strong as some may like, but it is a lot
stronger than our opponents like. It establishes a base, which does not
currently exist. It is an incremental step to correcting the sins for past
incrementalism by the liberals who have slowly but consistently chipped
away at free and liberty. It IS significant, and it is a necessary step to
correcting past sins. Neither this amendment NOR the Second Amendment
gives us any right. The rights acknowledged in the Bill of Rights are just
that"acknowledged" as God given and inalienable.

5.REALITY CHECK: We can win academic arguments and debates on the merits
of the facts. More guns results in less crimefewer guns results in more
crime. However, notwithstanding the FACTS, we continue to lose the
emotional debate thanks in large measure to the complicity of an
adversarial mainstream press.

6.As we move into the New Year it is imperative that we all close ranks
and tell ten people to tell ten people to tell ten people to sign our
petition. We can debate the details and minutia and philosophical
variances after we get this on the ballot. THIS fight we m u s t win.

7.We will continue to struggle to build coalition with other groups. If
you have any influence with ANY constitutionally oriented organization
large or small, please compel them to join with us to qualify this for the
ballot. Yes, we are still trying to solicit the help and support of the
NRA and GOA, but we cannot and will not wait and wait and wait for
committees, focus groups and competing agendas to sharp shoot this effort.
8.NOW is the time to reach out and network. Now is the time to fight.

9."A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot
survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for
he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst
those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the
alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor
appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and
he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that
lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works
secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he
infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is
less to fear."

--Marcus Tullius Cicero 42B.C.


"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be
needed until they try to take it."
--Thomas Jefferson

Protect your rights:

It is far better to dare mighty things, though riddled with failure, than to live in the dull grey of mediocrity.

I've been a huge supporter of this effort from the beginning. The new petitions will be released by the A.G. on Jan. 6th 2000. I certainly hope everyone will get on board this affirmative effort. It's time that Kalifornia gun owners go on the offense for a change!

[This message has been edited by KAC556 (edited December 29, 1999).]