CA is confiscating registered assault rifles

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CALIFORNIA ORDERS STATE-WIDE CONFISCATION has just aquired California Department of Justice documents issued by the Attorney General's Office
(Democrat Bill Lockyer) ordering the confiscation of "Assault Weapons" as defined by the Roberti-Roos Act that were legally
registered under the previous administration.

Who says registration doesn't lead to confiscation?
This is old news and has been extensively discussed here. Check the search function for the threads

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
My mistake. However, it was predicted that this is how it would go..the difference is that they are going after those that "couldn't be registered" now. Sometime around next February they will go after the folks who didn't turn in during the buyback.

I believe we are going to see a whole bunch more makes and models gone after, in the same fashion, due to Roos-Roberti. The poor fools who complied set themselves up.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
add this onto the legal SKS's that are not being returned to their owners and i see a line in the sand

maybe a boycot of California produce is in order...

don't punish the farmers for an incompentant government. Its not their fault. boycott by not coming here on vacation so they can't get you sales tax. or mail ordering stuff from companies in CA. that way, the good people in this state and make a buck without the government stealing it in taxes. Oh and don't pay your parking tickets when you illegally park in Sac.
It's funny, didn't we just punish the serbs for electing and supporting a dictator? The people of California continue to do things that are self destructive with all the foolish laws and taxes. Them keep sending the Cranstons, Boxers, and Fienstiens to office and those people do impact the rest of the country. Yes, a line in the sand should be drawn, maybe around California! You can screw up your state all you want. NOT MINE.
I lived in Kalifornia when they passed the law requiring registration. Neither I, nor anyone I knew registered their rifles. We knew this would eventually happen. I don't know if the numbers changed since I left the state, but at the time they knew registration had failed miserably. I think the commonly quoted statistic was only 10% of the "assault rifles" thought to be in Kalifornia had been registered.

Personal weapons are what raised mankind out of the mud, and the rifle is the queen of personal
weapons. The possession of a good rifle, as well as the skill to use it well, truly makes a man the
monarch of all he surveys.
-- Jeff Cooper, The Art of the Rifle
Registration is a favorite leverage of California gov't.

They use driver's licenses and vehicle registration as a means of coersion for almost everything: child support, alimony and lots of other things....and of course once DMV gets involved, the State gets a nice chunk of your wallet. They make the Mafia seem like a Brownie troop

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Well, well, well..... Good for Kalifornia, 'bout time they showed their true colors.

I think you Kalifornians have a great first case for Title-18,Ch-13,sec-241 Conspiracy against Rights. These hooligans need to be taught a lesson and quickly! Are you boy in the west up to the task? We'll suport you if you go for it !

Now if you want to play it safe and get rid of the nasty Assault Weapons so that they are not there for the gov to confiscate, just email me your liquidation price and I'll send you my local FFL Dealers number for you to ship it to along with a check. Lets make a deal !!!!

"Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier , are the birthright of an American.... The unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state government, but, where I trust in God it will forever remain, in the hands of the people." Tench Coxe

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
I live in the People's Democratic Republik of Kalifornia, and I have just one thing to say to Perata and gang: "Blow me, blow me, blow me like you know me!"

Intersting how lip service is paid to freedom, usually vast quantities, by the very people who seem to despise it. Maybe Russia actually won the Cold War with their campaign of infiltrating and undermining the culture of the West. The results of this infiltration are now in power.
dZ, you've brought something very important to our attention. Anyone who cruises through TFL should read these documents. Carefully.

This is truly evil material. The state of CA requires registration of 'assault weapons' by March 30, 1992. Their Department of Justice either trys to be or simply acts like they're being nice folks, and allows Californians to continue registering these naughty firearms after that date. Now a Superior Court tells them they had no authority to extend the day, and voila - they will now confiscate the firearms registered by honest Californians after 3/30/92.

So if you didn't register the gun at all you have a much better chance of avoiding this fascist BS, and if you registered the gun by 3/30/92, you can retain it ... for now, I'm sure.

I find this to be even more vexing than the SKS buy back program. I certainly hope to hear that someone appeals this to the California Supreme Court. Not that it would necessarily change the result.

Note there is a silver lining ... if they're going to confiscate your weapon, they will refund the registration fees you paid after 3/30/92. How helpful.

Boy, if I lived in CA I wouldn't move out ... I would run out.

This train is picking up speed very quickly. So, I suppose we sound like that Chinese proverb ... may you live in interesting times, no?

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited July 02, 1999).]
MOVE!? I'll be damned if these fascist bastards drive me out with their illegal laws. That's exactly what they want. I'm staying, I have no intention of obeying any registration laws that will ever pass, and I will not co-operate with any buyback turn-ins or whatever the hell they think of next. Bill Lockyear and Gray Davis can kiss my @#$

I'm sticking around and try to work with the other citizens of this state to take it back from these power whore politicians.
They are surely testing the waters.

Help me out with these questions:

Does anyone have any idea how many people are effected? People who registered after the cutoff that is.

Has anyone tried calling (from an anonymous payphone, I hope) posing as a post-period registrant and claim to have sold, lost, had stolen.... etc. the said firearm? I have always been curious how well this oft cited recourse would actually go over. I'd presume you'd be guilty until proven innocent-- i.e. charges pressed anyway unless you could show a legit bill of sale or something.

I usually don't worry much about the threat of confiscation because what? Like I'm actually going to turn anything over anyway. What I forget is that I can never pubicly shoot, or use that gun legitimately again.
i think i read that 1500 people registered after the date

seems like 1500 guns should be shipped to ffls out of state asap

Right DZ, Hey, while we're at it why don't all us gun owners just ship all our guns over to china. that way they can't get any of them.

If they want a revolution, let it begin here!