CA, gun was never registered in 1993


I live in California (gun owners paradise, NOT). I recently found out that my semiautomatic handgun was never registered by the gun shop I bought it from back in 1993.

I decided to make a trip to the gun shop I purchased it from. Unfortunately the place was not there anymore. After visiting another gun shop I found out that gun shop had run into trouble for not filing proper paperwork and such. Not sure if that's why they either moved or went out of business, but it doesn't sound good.

So now what do I do? Searching around on the internet I found this link:

Is this all I need to do? And if so, won't they look at the "Date Acquired" and get a little suspicious?

Thanks for any help you can give me.
They will accept your voluntary registration with no questions asked. This is as I understand it from reading about similar circumstances on Calguns. People have moved into the state and didn't get around to registering their handgun(s) within the 30 days requirement. The advice given is always just go ahead and register it now.
pack up and move

:)Pack up and move to Texas and bring you guns with you. We will leave the light on for you. Tell California to roll up their registration forms and smoke them. After you get here of course.
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If you were to move to PA it would be against the law to register your handgun as it's against the law to maintain a firearms registry.