CA-CCW: First Day


New member
Well, I almost find it hard to believe, but I picked up my CA CCW this morning from the Sheriff's office, was given a smile and a "have a nice day" from the clerk and sent on my way. I have to admit that it was very odd; legally carrying concealed in California. I have to go to San Francisco next week, which will border on the twilight zone for a CCW citizen. :)

It is far better to dare mighty things, though riddled with failure, than to live in the dull grey of mediocrity.

[This message has been edited by Mendocino (edited December 29, 1999).]
I live in Stockton CA

My question.... how the HELL did you pull that off?!?!?!?

It's easyer to get 1 1/2 inch groupings at 1000 yards with a sling shot than gettin a CCW in CA!!!!!!!

Congrats to you!
-Frank the Spank
I agree with frank. 1 1/2 inch groups at 100 yrds is a walk in the park compared to getting a CCW if your not a cop.

freakin' liberal fool. They have my best friends sister brainwashed.
she was afraid to touch my 1911 even after he showed her it was unloaded.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
FourDiamonds: Agreed. After LONG deliberation I decided that the safety of my family and myself required that I take the CCW steps as dictated by the CA legislature.

Guy and Frank: my reason on the application was short and simple--self defense. The Sherriff here is very pro-RKBA. It is not terribly difficult to get a CCW permit if you qualify (background check and training). California law leaves the permit issuance up to the local chief of police or sheriff. I just happen to be lucky enough to live in Mendocino County. For further information on CA-CCW as it relates to other LE jurisdictions in California, particularly the Bay Area, do a TFL search on Jim March. Jim has a suit pending that may help you out.


Congrats Mendocino! Hopefully I will be following suit soon.

"she was afraid to touch my 1911 even after he showed her it was unloaded"

I'm not saying ANYTHING :)

I am lucky to be living in a free state. Where CCW license is defined by law. If you pass background check,written test and range test, have picture taken and give sheriff $60; it is a crime if they don't issue you CCW license.

Courage is only fear that has said its prayers.

I am a U.S. SERVICE MEMBER getting ready to PCS to Coronado, CA. I am very interested in aquiring a CCW for CA. I have one for my home state of TEXAS, were it is not hard to get, if one is a law abiding citizen. How long did it take you to get your CA CCW? Does Military Law Enforcement experience help? How expensive is it? What were the steps you took?

Response would be appreciated.


[This message has been edited by James Montes (edited December 29, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by James Montes (edited December 30, 1999).]
CCW issue in CA is up to jurisdiction authority where you live. Bay Area counties do not issue permits to the general public; however, I heard SF County has issued six, and D. Feinstein and her husband have two of them. I live in neighboring county to Mendocino and have had a CCW for 15 years. DOJ tightened standards this past year: only 2 firearms on permit, and a few hours of training is required prior to qualification with each firearm at the range (15 yards and 16/20 in the black; permit is valid for 2 years.
Arizona, Vermont, Florida, or Texas to name a few. Mendocino, are you feeling paranoid yet?

[This message has been edited by ak9 (edited December 30, 1999).]
...or Oregon, Pennsylvania, North or South Dakota.

Not NJ, Mass, Maryland...or Texas, because they make you eat using 2 guns, like chopsticks ;)

Congratulations on your CCW, I'd be VERY careful when dealing with those lovely Ca LEO's though as they will assume that any concealed firearm is illegal.


Mike H
Gawd you're lucky. Here in SoCal the only way the non rich, famous, or politically connected can get a CCW is if he or she has a picture of the local Chief LEO having sex with a chicken.
That issuing sheriff deserves respect, especially having the backbone to do what is constitutionally right. In a state that is as politically screwed up as CA.
Gentlemen, the Sherriff John Anderson of Madera County, CA is also pro-gun. Have had a CCW for over 1 year. Now, just south of us, Fresno County, will also issue but you will need to be persistent.
Congrats Mendocino.....

I have the unfortunate privelege of living in Missouri, which, thanks to liberals coming into St. Louis & KC last Spring to spread panic & disinformation before the CCW vote, has no CCW. The state wide referrendum for the CCW failed 54% to 46%. It passed in 113 out of 116 counties, but failed the popular vote because of hard core anti-gun slandering in the two big metro areas of Missouri.

Chink comments.... " They have my best friends sister brainwashed. She was afraid to touch my 1911 even after he showed her it was unloaded".

This brings to mind a story told by a friend of mine & her husband I go to church with. Seems her "twenty something" neice from CA was in for a visit. After wandering around their farm one day she came running into the house in a panic and proclaiming that "SOMEBODY has been using GUNS down behind the pond bank. There are some pieces of wood & metal with holes in them and shell casings on the ground".

She obviously did not expect the response she got from Aunt Marilyn..... "Oh yeah, that's our target range. Would you like to learn to shoot an AK or a Mini-14"???

At that her neice packed up her car and fled, leaving early. Talk about being brainwashed....

Jeff OTMG,

Politicians and chief LEOs are a strange lot. Here the chickens are nervous, in Texas I hear it's the armadillos. :)