(CA ) Browning Hi Power Approval?


New member
In California, as of 1/1/2001, handguns must be tested and posted on an "approved" list before they can be sold in the state. So far the Hi Power has not shown up on the list. There are a bunch of Buck Marks but no HP. Does anyone know if Browning is going to submit a gun for testing here or have they blown the PRK off?
Browning is out of the HiPower business. They will be sold from now on by the real manufacturer, FN. I don't know if FN has decided whether they will bother with the California Market yet but I imagine that they will. See if any of the FN pistols have been approved.

Thanks for the info. I don't recall seeing any FN's on the list yet but I will keep an eye out.

I know that you might be dead set on the high power but have you taken a sec to take a look at the cz 75b. It's been approved for a while now and in the past on this forum people have recommened it as kinda a high power clone. I picked one up specifically because of that. After the hogue wood grips all I can say is I have to find a smith that does trigger work for the single action and I'll be set.

Hi power in CA

Find a used one, hunt the shows and buy a consignment gun. We Californian's need to set up a trading network within the state. There is a huge supply of guns here if you look. If you just want to go out and buy a new gun, get a cz 75 or 85 and don't look back. rc
In California, as of 1/1/2001, handguns must be tested and posted on an "approved" list before they can be sold in the state.

I hate to say this but that approved list looks like a ploy to me. Instead of fighting the overall law that got California in this mess in the first place, they now have you guys directing your efforts into getting them to "approve" guns that you can have.

They are trying to appease you with tid bits of "candy" to keep the gun owners peaceful. If California would have said no guns into the state. Period. End of discussion, would the gunowners fight harder for their rights to be restored than they are now?

Just my .02. Btw..I hope you guys do get some more weapons approved. Every new gun in the state is a plus for you guys.

Good Shooting

This law really sucks. The opposition was 100 to 1 against it. However, since the Kalifornia Senate and Assembly are overwhelmingly Democrat, they don't care what the people think. They now have bills pending to make us go through more safety tests and obtain a license to purchase a handgun. So much for the second amendment in this state. I'm looking to get out but that's easier said than done.

Can't agree with you more Redlg155

It's like the Frog scenaro. You slowly increase the heat, all the while, telling the frog it's only a bubble-bath. Maybe even add a little soap here and there. Frog's happy:D
CA gun control

Yeh, it's the divide and conquer approach with incrimentalism thrown in so that we don't have rioting... but what would you have us do? Short of having armed revolt in the streets where patriotic citizens and cops/national guard start killing each other, theres not much the average joe can do. The "rebels" would be villified in the media and exterminated. Libs would use the incident as a new excuse for gun control and the tyranny would continue. The problem is most people in public office are self serving egomaniacs, power craving dick-taters that want you to work while they get to think for you. They have a public funded baby mill welfare system breeding criminals and liberal voters who think Government owes everyone a handout and keeps them in power. Nice normal gun owners simply can't compete reproductively with wellfare momies and illegal immigrants so we lose political groung every day while the libs expant there power base. rc

Dick-taters. I like it. You are absolutely right. It's very frustrating for those of us here to watch what remains of our rights be flushed. When the Democrats control all three branches of govenment, freedom is out the window.

Kruschev once said the USSR would take over our country without firing a shot. I think the Democrat party is now their base since they disintegrated in Russia.