CA Attorney Gen., Bill Lockyer on SB23 etc


New member
I found this very interesting and sickening. Put you tray tables up, fasten your seat belt, and make sure all carry on luggage is stowed...

BTW-there is a few minutes of non-anti RKBA stuff at the begining.

It is far better to dare mighty things, though riddled with failure, than to live in the dull grey of mediocrity.

[This message has been edited by Mendocino (edited January 29, 2000).]
Just finished listening to that. Makes me glad I'm not in California (although we have our own problems in Illinois). I guess since the impeachment hearings words truly mean whatever the politician WANTS them to mean at the moment.

The thing that surprised me is that he said something that may make the part in SB 23 about pistol grips unenforcible. When the Olympic target rifle was brought up. the CA Attorney General (chief law enforcement officer in the state) said in a public forum that even though the Olympic target rifle had a pistol grip that protruded below the action, it would not be illegal because "it depended on how you hold it", when Roger Hedgecock said that it was meant to be held by the grip, Lockyer repeated "it depends on how you hold it".

In a perfect world the Pomona Gunshow fiasco would be chargable as official misconduct. I really believe that people charged with enforcing the law, from the AG to the beat cop, should not be allowed to publically comment on proposed laws or doing anything to influence the debate on them. Perhaps we need to look at rewriting the Hatch Act to cover state and local executive agency employees.
