CA AG Bill Lockyer's Gun Show "Sting"


New member
The L.A. Times reported today that Attorney General (Calif.) Bill Lockyer's DOJ had made their arrests in the alleged sale of "illegal guns" to undercover agents at the Great Western Show in Pomona earlier this month. The article said also that the agents did not make arrests at the show itself because "there were so many powerful weapons around." The inference gathered by the reader, of course, being that, had arrests been made at the show, the agents may have been pounced upon by heavily armed vendors (5,300) and attendees (50,000).

I wrote a letter to The Times this morning on this and the matter of government gun suits as follows:


Amidst the strident hysterical hyperbole of the anti-gun crowd comes the L.A. County Board of Supervisors jumping on the bandwagon to sue firearms manufacturers and doing whatever they can to eventually shut down gun shows ("County to Sue Gun Firms, Crack Down on Show," Wednesday, May 26th). Nicholas Riccardi's piece on these subjects is thoroughly consistent with the barrage of lies and misinformation foisted upon a gullible public. In his article he notes that California Department of Justice undercover officers didn't want to arrest the individuals who allegedly sold them illegal weapons while at the show because "there were so many powerful weapons around." What is the inference we are to make here? That if arrests took place at the show the officers would be set upon by armed hordes from among the 5,300 vendors and 50,000 attendees? I have been attending gun shows in southern California since the age of 12 and have never seen an act of violence much less a single shot fired. This is paranoia beyond belief.
And what of the Supervisors' actions. Can't shut 'em down (yet) so we're gonna make all sellers wear identification. By their statements one is left with the impression that gun shows are the bazaar of choice to arm criminals. Hogwash! Gun show vendors and individual sellers and buyers are required by California law to use transfer dealers located at the show whereby prospective buyers must undergo a background check and 10 day wait prior to taking possession of any firearm. While DOJ undercover cops may be circumspect in making immediate arrests of those conducting unlawful sales, apparently other law enforcement agencies are not. On very rare occasions I have witnessed uniformed officers make arrests for such violations of law. The fact is buying a gun at a gun show is no different in the state of California than buying it from a gun store. Many commercial gun store operators attend the shows as vendors.

Perry Kneisel
Redondo Beach

Any names of the alleged illegal sellers? I'm so cynical, that I won't believe it until there is public data.
There is absolutely no reason or evidence for the AG to imply that it was unsafe for the cops to arrest folks at the show, and as well, will the charges stick if true. They can arrest anyone, its if charges are filed and then prosecuted.
This is all so much goose poop.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Lockyer was probably afraid there WOULDN'T be a problem arresting these people. I've never experienced so much as harsh language at the Pomona Gun show.
I was talking to a GOC (Cali wing of GOA) and he told me its all about Fed money. Guns are the payoff these days, drugs are backburner and don't evoke the emotions like guns. Look like you are real aggressive going after guns and that there is a gun problem and the Feds just open a money faucet.

Understand, the GOC guy isn't an uniformed yahoo like us ( ;))...its his job to know whats what

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Not me...I'm me, there is a'd PO both Sicilians and Italians making that mistake. As a Southern boy you can see the difference...think Yankee carpetbagger. Although we call the Italians "pezzonovante morbido" :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Further to my "Gun Show Sting" post. An article posted on the CRPA board ( is indicating that Lockyer used agents from the California Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement to pull off the "sting." Also, it appears that the weapons he displayed in his news conference earlier this month were "replicas" of what was supposedly purchased illegally. In fact, the H&K MP5 shown was a DOJ asset, not one of the items allegedly purchased by undercover agents. As more and more information is released, it's beginning to look like a made-for- "crime"- time stunt to whip up anti-gun hysteria. Names of those arrested have not been released. Why? Charges filed have not been made public. Why?

In addition, it appears Lockyer may have a problem on his hands internally in that some agents of DOJ are expressing extreme dismay at what is looking more and more like a scam on the public for political advantage as opposed to exposing "criminal" activity.

Safe shooting - PKAY
Hopefully, with news like that, and other evidence being brought into light, anti-gunners will be shown to be the freedom-hating, tyranny-loving, power-mongering propaganda-driven agendists that we all know they really are. Keep pushing out in Cali, there, gang.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
The "sting operators" suposedly bought a "flame thrower" and a "rocket launcher". That is their big thing here.
Oh, so they bought a "flame thrower"....And how old is that? Does it even work? What the heck are you going to do with it...if it even works...what are you going to put in it?" It is probably like 40 years old and novelty item that wouldn't work even if you could find some napalm to shoot out of it (good luck!).

Concerning the "rocket launcher"...I have never fired one, but from what I am told, a shoulder mounted rocket launcher is nothing more than a fiberglass tube that is thrown away after it is used. It is a lightweight piece of garbage that has a one-time application. Wow, they bought a fiberglass tube that at one time could have fired a rocket. How old is it? Do they even make rockets any more for it? Does it even work, is the trigger mechanism there. And most of all....good luck finding a rocket to shoot out of it!

Rocket launchers are a simple tube...the rocket is self contained and does all the work.
Give me a rocket launcher and there is absolutely nothing I can do with it....but give me a rocket, and I can go to Home Depot and find some tubing.
But good luck buying a rocket at a gun show, or anywhere else for that matter.

What a bunch of hogwash. They bought nothing more than outdated, useless novelty items. I hope that somneone somewhere will get on the news and point this out. Hey, where are you NRA?

[This message has been edited by thaddeus (edited May 27, 1999).]
O.K. DC, I give. What is "pezzonovante morbido" ? My grandparents were Italian, but only spoke a dialect which isn't always helpful in translating "Real" Italian.
Literally translated it means "soft bigshots"

The meaning conveyed is a combination of Sicilian perception of them and the Italian attitude towards Sicilian:
All bureaucrats, civil servants, politicians and self-proclaimed authority types are "pezzonovante"....morbido refers to how Italians have always tried to control Sicily, get run off and kicked out, kinda like "they can't stand the heat so they get out of the kitchen".

It really is very much like the Union and Confederacy

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"