CA 3 Gun Series Bakersfield videos


New member
CA 3 Gun Series Bakersfield - Rifle Stages

CA 3 Gun Series Bakersfield - Shotgun Stages

Sorry it took me a most of sunday to get back to LA and then a full day to recover. Here are the rifle and shotgun stage videos. I got the one pistol stage I still have to edit, but it is not nearly as interesting as the rifle and shotgun.

I also had some more techical difficulties with the filming. My batteries ran out at the last stage, could not get into postition to film the action as well as I would of liked, and I almost left my camera out on the stage to be shot (thanks for the save Ralph!)

OK enough excuses please watch the videos.

I'll have a full report on my first year shooting the CA 3 gun series up on the madtrigger forum up in the next day or so too.