c&r welcome pack


New member
when I received the license I was told I would be sent a packet with all the rules, forms for record keeping within 10 days. here it is almost a month and nothing, worse yet I am about to purchase using the license and I want to make sure I am in compliance. what is expected of me and what forms do I need? can I just make up my own log until the govt forms come in? thanks.
I got my license in October and the items trickled in steadily until February.

The only thing you really need is the actual license. There are examples of the forms to track purchases (the "bound book") on this site, and even entire books for sale.
I got my license early this year, and it took ~8 weeks for all of the paperwork to come in. IIRC I got it all in one big package.

FWIW just a few weeks ago, the ATF issued a new edition of the Compendium of Local Laws & Published Ordinances (say that 5 times fast!) that comes in the package, but they sent me a CD-ROM rather than a book like the one that came in my original package. Maybe the recent change is delaying things... but OTOH you still haven't waited as long as I had to. :rolleyes:
I requested an application form about 3 weeks ago. How long does that take? (I couldn't find a current form to download anywhere; the one at cruffler.com is old.) If this is any indication, they are probably taking a *long* time to actually process the forms.

I want to buy some stuff from Grafs & Sons, but putting it off until I can get a discount.
If this is any indication, they are probably taking a *long* time to actually process the forms.

from my experience and others it seems to be very quick. look at it this way, if they don't send out applications then they don't have many to process. good news for those who have applications. try to find a local office and pu in person

thanks to all for the responses. I guess I am a little impatient? I'll check out those forms here and document my purchases for now.
Welcome pack

Things have changed since i first got mine. Then I got a voluminous envelope full of big and little books and a lotta forms and a notice a certain document was back ordered.

A few weeks down the road the document came in a BIIIIGGGGG envelope with all the sh*t they sent me before. This happened 4 times to a friend.

NOW Things are different...You get it all on a carefully packaged mini-CD

Golllllllly Sgt Carter !

I just received my license. I got 10 copies made. All I have to do is sign the copies and mail them in, correct? And put a little note in that says I will be a customer?
I just received my license. I got 10 copies made. All I have to do is sign the copies and mail them in, correct? And put a little note in that says I will be a customer?

Some of the distributors will take a Fax in lieu of snail mail. Call them and see. Save yourself some stamps. ;)
A scanner is best – scan the original to a given drive and put it away with other important papers. Print a hard copy when you need to. The seller must ship to the address on the license, you don’t need to send it separately. ATF is supposed to notify you of your application status – approved or denied – with in 60 days.

Having guns delivered to your front door rules, btw. :cool: