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I can assure you I could not do as you asked being you were so kind as to close the thread so I could not respond.
I have had experience also and did not write the law's only quote from the BATF site in which you are saying that it will not work. Well sir I will not reply again and get out of you hair totally after this. It was not my intentions to mislead anyone, I posted what the BATF has posted on their site and you try to make me out the bad guy in this. Wrong answer my friend, if you have a beef with anyone it should be the BATF being they wrote the rules and posted on their site for all to read to include yourself before slaming someonee. You answer you way and I amd out of here!
;)Yes I know you have a thank less job, thanks just the same and have agreat day;)

Originally Posted by VaFisher
Edited to add,(sic) a Staff member's(sic) should read up on what he is posting about when it comes to a subject he or she doen't(sic) know the answer, rather BATF wrote(sic) these laws not myself in this case so if you think they are wrong maybe you should write or call them sir(sic). Further more(sic... oh, I give up. Just "sic" the rest of the dang quote, too.) I do not think it's right to call foul when it's in black and white for all to see if one had done his home work before hand. I understand it takes time to do this but in some cases it should be done before posting.

Mr. Fisher (I presume that is some variant of your name),

I first "read up" on these laws in 1993 when I accepted my first position as the manager of a Type 01 FFL, and have endeavored to remain current on them as it is important to my professional viability to remain so.

If you will please note, the quoted section you so laboriously transcribed says "a separate warehouse used by the licensee solely for storage of firearms or ammunition".

I defy you to convince a court of law that the original poster's father's house is: A) Used solely by the licensee, and B) Used solely for storage. I have some experience in dealing with the BATFE on the topic of storage in an off-premises warehouse (including bonded warehouses for Type 08 SOTs) and I can assure you that "noelf2's dad's house" does not meet the BATFE's requirements.

Please stop handing out bad advice, okay? Do you want to help fellow gun owners go to prison?

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