C&R ship to dealer?

He's saying that if you have to go though an 01 FFL, make sure they'll accept firearms from an 03 FFL holder. Some dealers won't accept firearms for transfer from regular people. If you have your 03 license, don't worry about it.
Just to clarify, but an 03 C&R holder is not an "ordinary person," they have an FFL. Any 01 who would not accept a firearm from an 03 is a total ijit.
Any 01 who would not accept a firearm from an 03 is a total ijit.

+1 million.

Apparently there are still some 01's that live in a cave. Remember some gun store owners (01 FFL) are not into guns at all, it's just a biz to them.
Yep, some are morons.

Tried to sell a K98 to a buddy in Texas, the local dealer wanted nothing do to with it, and insisted C&Rs were only allowed to buy, not sell, and that by selling anything from my collection, I was committing a crime.:rolleyes:

My buddy ended up just getting his own 03 FFL, ended up saving money in the end, at the expense of a few weeks delay.
Some dealers see C&R FFL holders as competition, doing them out of a sale or a transfer fee. The problem is not all one-sided.

I have seen a clown rant in a local gun shop that he is going to get his C&R license and then he won't have to deal with a *&%*! dealer any more and that he is going to buy guns for all his buddies and they won't have to mess with ^%%$ forms and stuff. That kind of "idjit" is not doing anyone any favors. He is making an enemy of a dealer he might need in the future and by proclaiming his intent to violate the law is putting all C&R FFL holders in a bad light (and risking prison for himself).

Some 01 FFLs are just a PIA. I've run into several on GB that will not honor the
C&R for guns that are clearly eligible. On others that were newer that I was using an 01 FFL to receive it, the seller would not accept a fax or an email of my dealers license, which is totally allowed by the ATF. They demanded a signed original. Its bad enough we have to deal with and keep up to date with all the regulations then some old coot doesn't want abide by them. I have asked GB to add a line on the dealer info to indicate if they will accept a C&R or not.
Don't know if it will happen, maybe next time they revamp their site.
I frequently email sellers that don't say one way or the other just to irritate them.
If the sellers ad does not state yea or nay on C&R then I ask so as to not have any surprises at the end. Maybe they had a bad experience one time. Sometimes I send a PM like "I was interested in your auction item #%&@$ but I see you do not take C&R licenses so I am a non-bidder".
Be sure your dealer accepts from a C&R holder or add $25 to transfer."

A dealer that would not accept a gun from a 03 C&R seems to be quite narrow minded. If it is being sent to him the buyer is obviously not a C&R license holder, and the dealer can then charge a transfer fee.
I only guess that he views any transaction involving a C&R a threat to his profit because he isn't selling the gun at his markup.
Something is missing here. It is up to the person buying a gun "on the net" to send the seller/shipper a copy of his license (01 or 03) or if not a licensee, a signed copy of a dealer's 01 license. (A licensed collector (03) cannot order for anyone but himself, and then only C&R items.) Normally, the license copy can be sent by fax, but some companies do not accept a fax copy; BATFE allows acceptance of a fax, they do not require that it be accepted.

Some dealers choose, for whatever reason, not to accept transfers. It is probably a waste of time to try to change those folks' minds. But there are some things you can do. One is to be on good terms with your dealer. Buy stuff from him, and drop in from time to time. He may not be well disposed toward someone he never saw before who storms in and demands that he accept a gun bought on the net when he has the same gun in his showcase.

My personal inclination is not to buy sight unseen, from someone who may be describing a rusty relic as NIB or who may doctor his pictures. I would rather pay a few dollars more and be able to see the item and know the dealer will take it back if it isn't right. (And I have seen several instances when the item ordered on the net, when shipping costs, insurance and dealer transfer fee were included, actually cost more than the same gun from the dealer's case.)

Perhaps I (and some of the other posters) should clarify our terms. When I say dealer I mean FFL, he is not a dealer but merely handles the transfer for me.
I guess he could order something but that is not what I use him for. The guns he is transferring for me are not new but less than 50 years old. There may be only a handful available on the entire internet so the chances of them being available at a local store are pretty remote. Sure an in person examination is preferred but even with all the gun shows we have in Dallas there are many items I am looking for that can't be found. I love internet buying!
I have seen a clown rant in a local gun shop that he is going to get his C&R license and then he won't have to deal with a *&%*! dealer any more and that he is going to buy guns for all his buddies and they won't have to mess with ^%%$ forms and stuff. That kind of "idjit" is not doing anyone any favors. He is making an enemy of a dealer he might need in the future and by proclaiming his intent to violate the law is putting all C&R FFL holders in a bad light (and risking prison for himself)

Right on, stupid cross all race, religion, national origin, educational and ideological boundaries.

There's enough (stupid) to go around but some take a second or even a third helping.:)
Something is missing here. It is up to the person buying a gun "on the net" to send the seller/shipper a copy of his license (01 or 03) or if not a licensee, a signed copy of a dealer's 01 license. (A licensed collector (03) cannot order for anyone but himself, and then only C&R items.) Normally, the license copy can be sent by fax, but some companies do not accept a fax copy; BATFE allows acceptance of a fax, they do not require that it be accepted.
I don't think anything is missing. I just think that the seller, having a C&R license has had a problem in the past with a non licensed buyer wanting to use a 01 dealer that didn't accept firearms from a 03 C&R collector for a transfer.