C&R Revolvers


New member
I sent my 03 FFL aplication in last week and I'm thinking about cool new guns for my collection while I wait.

What are everybody's favorite (affordable) C&R revolvers?
I have a Russian Nagant revolver. It's got that cool Enemy at the Gates vibe thing going on. It's one big bundle of contradictions (an elaborate mechanism, but made with the clunkiest parts; kind of like a Swiss watch designed and built by Swiss watchmakers wearing mittens). You can get a .32 ACP cylinder for them.

Plus, unless a gun turns up in your Cheerios box tomorrow, it is probably the cheapest handgun chambered for modern ammunition on the market right now. It makes Makarovs look overpriced.
I am waiting for my C&R license to come back from the Feds, so that I can start buying out of Shotgun News and save a few bucks while building up my collection.

Another one that I haven't picked up yet, but want really badly is a decent shootable broomhandle mauser. Just possibly the ugliest gun ever made and that really ups the coolness factor in my book.