C & R Machine Gun Question...


New member
I just sent off for the paperwork for a C&R FFL. Just wondering if anyone knows the laws concerning C&R machine guns:

Do you still have to pay the $200 tax stamp?

Do you still have to go through the whole NFA process: background check, fingerprints, months of waiting, LEO signature, etc?

Can you get a machine gun for less money if it's a C&R?

Can they ship it directly to your house?
I think the answers are yes,yes,no,yes. Not as sure of the last ans. as I am of the 1st three.
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Once the Form 4 paperwork is completed and approved, a C&R machine gun (say an M1928 Thompson SMG) can be shipped or delivered interstate directly to a C&R licensee; there is no need to go through a Class 3 dealer in the buyer's state.

Within a state, the gun can be delivered or shipped directly to anyone, again once Form 4 approval is obtained. No dealer is needed (unless some state law says otherwise).

A full auto firearm that is on the C&R list allows you to purchase it across state lines... so you do not have to do two transfers... other than that all NFA laws allapy...
I was curious because I worked for a guy about 16 years ago who was restoring some M2's for military musuems at the time. They had to be 100% so we got to test fire them before shipping them off. I just remember him saying he had a class 3 FFL which was all he needed at the time so now I what he was talking about... altho he let it lapse because he was being hit with a $600 renewal fee.. so maybe it wasn't a FFL 03..?