C&R FFL Question


Does anyone know if it will mess up my Social Security Disability by applying for a Curio and Relic Federal Firearms License? I know they are for the private citizen to be able to collect older guns without all of the expense in time and money, but don't know how Social Security feels about it.

I can't imagine it being a problem either. I think a Class 01 could be a different story which is a standard FFL for dealing in guns.
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A C&R 03 FFL is specifically for NOT doing business, just collecting. As stated above, there should be no connection at all.
Having an 03 FFL had no effect on my federal Railroad Disability Annuity (pretty much the same thing as SSDI).
Neither license would have any effect on Social Security or vice versa. Holding a job or owning a business while drawing Social Security is perfectly OK.

(Of course, our president keeps talking about imposing gun control by using classified Executive Orders and secret instructions to federal agencies, so who knows? Congress? Laws? Terms without meaning to the New Messiah.)

but don't know how Social Security feels about it.

How are going to find out? IMO its none of there business how you spend "your" SSD money. Guns, crack, booze, ladys of the night.
I am in the same boat as you and I have had a C&R Lic for over 5 years with no problem other then with the neighbors. They just don't like to see the UPS truck unloading boxed long guns at my house. What really got their attention is when an 18 wheeler pulled up and off loaded a pallet of ammo with a fork lift:D
I am in the same boat as you and I have had a C&R Lic for over 5 years with no problem other then with the neighbors. They just don't like to see the UPS truck unloading boxed long guns at my house. What really got their attention is when an 18 wheeler pulled up and off loaded a pallet of ammo with a fork lift

I am willing to bet they want complain to much with all that artillery. :D
Thank you One and All

Very sage advise for which I thank you, One and All.

May God continue to bless the USA and continue to p[rotect the 2nd Amendment from the tyrannical posturing of the current administration.