C&R FFL Application questions


New member
I just got my C&R FFL application in the mail today. When I began to fill it out I came across a possible problem or two. I currently live in an apartment but I won't be renewing my lease at the end of the year. Will this be an issue or is my address insignificant once my license is granted or at least until it needs to be renewed? Also should I use my local police chief or county sheriff as my CLEO on the application? I know their names but don't have their addresses. Do I need to provide the police headquarters/sheriffs department address or their personal address? Sorry if the latter is a dumb question I just don't want to mess this up.
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The address needs to stay current as this will be the shipping address when and if you have UPS, FedEx, etc deliver to you. As far as the CLEO goes, I used my counties Sheriffs Department to advise them of my intent to obtain my C&R FFL. Hopes this helps.

What zx said. Your address is prominently displayed on the form and that is where the gun will be shipped. Not 100% sure but I doubt you could get a dealer to ship to a different address. That's the purpose of the form, to show who are and where you live. Just call your local PD, tell them what you are doing and they will give you the name and address to put on the form. Remember the license is good for three years so when it comes time for renewal don't count on the post office to find you, your change of address will have long expired. Keep it current.
A firearm can ONLY be shipped to the address on the license. Notify your police dept. if in an incorporated city or the sheriff if unincorporated. Get a permanent address before sending in the paperwork if you want to save yourself the trouble of dealing with the Gov.
I have a question regarding this matter as well. I recently sent in all the paperwork for mine and should be receiving it shortly. However since sending it my wife was offered a higher level management position with her employer but that position will be in another state. I work from home so moving doesn't affect my business. Does that mean that my license will be no good? Will I have to apply again when we set up our new address?
Tom is usually pretty good on this stuff but I question two points. The article refers to an FFL shipping to a different business address and as we all know a C&R holder is not a business, or at least isn't supposed to be. The article comes from the FFL Newsletter and I think they are discussing FFL to FFL shipments and rules don't always stay the same once a C&R is involved. Don't know for sure but that article doesn't seem to be exactly on point. Also, a lot of FFL dealers refuse to ship to a C&R holder at all and I suspect some may look for any excuse to refuse to do it and a different address would be a good one. That's just a guess/opinion on my part.
Maybe it would be better to just use my parents home address and when I decide to acquire firearms via my license just have them shipped to my parents house? Would this be ok or would it be a no-no since I, the license holder, don't actually live there?
Maybe I am wrong, but I think there is some change there. Some time back, BATFE became concerned because people were getting hold of FFL copies and changing the address to a drop point where shipped gun(s) would be picked up by gang members. BATFE responded by posting the name and address of legitimate dealers on its web site and requiring shipping dealers to verify that address against the address on the license copy before shipping. AFAIK that policy is still in effect, but maybe someone has later information.

So just to clarify, if I use my parents home address on the application and I live in an apartment I will be able to have firearms shipped to my apartment even though my parents home address on the license?

There's only one way to find out. Give it a twirl and report back with the results. Whatever address you have on your FFL is where they will ship it to.
Skarekrow88 So just to clarify, if I use my parents home address on the application and I live in an apartment I will be able to have firearms shipped to my apartment even though my parents home address on the license?
Just have ATF list an additional address as your mailing address.

jag2 Tom is usually pretty good on this stuff but I question two points. The article refers to an FFL shipping to a different business address and as we all know a C&R holder is not a business, or at least isn't supposed to be. The article comes from the FFL Newsletter and I think they are discussing FFL to FFL shipments and rules don't always stay the same once a C&R is involved. Don't know for sure but that article doesn't seem to be exactly on point. Also, a lot of FFL dealers refuse to ship to a C&R holder at all and I suspect some may look for any excuse to refuse to do it and a different address would be a good one. That's just a guess/opinion on my part.
i posted the article in the FFL Newsletter because it clearly states that there is no Federal law or ATF regulation that requires shipping to a particular address..............it is no different for C&R which IS an 03FFL.

James K Maybe I am wrong, but I think there is some change there. Some time back, BATFE became concerned because people were getting hold of FFL copies and changing the address to a drop point where shipped gun(s) would be picked up by gang members. BATFE responded by posting the name and address of legitimate dealers on its web site and requiring shipping dealers to verify that address against the address on the license copy before shipping. AFAIK that policy is still in effect, but maybe someone has later information.
ATF has the FFL EZcheck website that can be used to verify the validity of a license........but it does not show the dealers preferred shipping address and does not work with 03FFL's.

There is no requirement that a dealer verify the address on the FFL.
I called the BATFE license center today and a representative told me that whatever address I give is where the collection must be. I told her my situation and she told me that if or when I move I must notify them 30 days before I am moving and they will update the address on my license.

So I suppose I can either wait until I move at the end of the year or just go ahead and list my current address and notify them when I move.
Hi, Tom,

Correct on the 03 FFL; the thread got off topic a bit.

I don't have a valid 01 FFL I can enter into their new EZcheck, but if the response doesn't give the address of the FFL, how could BATFE catch folks using a fake drop address on an FFL copy? A copy of a valid FFL is easy to get; I can scan it in, massage it to say whatever I want, and mail it off with my money order. The guns come to the address on my letter and license copy, and the legitimate dealer doesn't know anything about it until there is some reason to trace a gun. Then he is asked who bought gun XYZ and he has no record of ever having received such a gun.
