C&R Bound Book questions


I have a C&R FFL 03.

Looking at my Bound Book paperwork I have a few questions:

1. Do barreled recievers being sold have to be entered in the Bound Book. I entered it just to be safe but was wondering if I really have to as it is not a complete rifle (nor was it when I recieved it).

2. If I sell a C&R to a non licensee, is a person's Date or Birth and/or Driver License required to be entered in the Bound Book or are those boxes to note that you have checked that the person is who he says he is and is of legal age? I know from other sources they are well over 18 (more like 60). I've worked with the guy for 15 years and he has to have a Driver's License to be employed.
I know it is better to have it but some people don't want that information to be given out. Checked is OK but not necessarally recorded.

3. Regarding Big 5. Should I list the individual store/address that I got it from or just write Big 5 in the receipt box?
1. I don't think so, but I would anyway. So many lines to fill...so little time.

2. I put full name and adress, and a note that I checked their lic.

3. If the name and address of the individual store is on the receipt, that's what I put in my book.
Do you guys also log modern firearms on the log? Is it required to log non-C&R guns as well or only C&R guns purchased with the C&R license? If I buy a C&R (or a modern) gun from a store, went thru the regular FFL transfer process, am I still required to log it? I know log everything can not be wrong, but I just not sure what is required by law.

No. Non CR guns are not to be logged in your bound book. Keep a separate book if you like.
ANY CR gun, regardless of how acquired, is to be logged. This is clear in the regs. Gun show, AA, or GB, or gun shop, doesn't matter, it shall be logged.
No. don't log modern guns in your CR bound book.
HTH. Also, google the ATF website, and read their FAQ on C&R's. It's a good read.
1. Yes, the receiver is the "registered" part, but my point is that I don't believe a barreled receiver is considered a C&R weapon, and therefore might need to be documented in another way. No matter, I put them in my C&R book anyway.
1. Yes, the receiver is the "registered" part, but my point is that I don't believe a barreled receiver is considered a C&R weapon,

Seems to me when I was reading the regs regarding C&Rs, that ATF does not recognize barreled receivers as C&Rs and stipulates that the gun has to be in its original intact condition. (Which would also apply to a gun that was once a C&R, but had been sporterized, for example.)
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Seems to me when I was reading the regs regarding C&Rs, that ATF does not recognize barreled receivers a C&Rs and stipulates that the gun has to be in its original intact condition. (Which would also apply to a gun that was once a C&R, but had been sporterized, for example.)


To be C&R qualified it must be in its original condition. Just like you can't C&R a sporterized mil-surp that would be otherwise a C&R.

If in doubt, record the sale, it can't hurt.