C&R application question


New member
Hi yall, I've read a dozen or more threads trying to find out the answer to this question. You send a copy of your application to the ATF and one to the police chief. Does the copy you send to the atf NOT need to be signed by the police chief?
>>Does the copy you send to the atf NOT need to be signed by the police chief?<<

It does NOT have to be signed by the chief. The copy you give him is a "file" copy only..... for his records.
No, it does not. The copy sent to the chief law enforcement officer is informational only and requires no action on his part.
The only Item 14 I see asks if you were discharged dishonorably. If that's the one, naturally you'd answer the question. As stated earlier, the Chief receives the application for "informational" purposes only. (Period!)
Thanks for all your help. Either I'm not as intelligent as I think I am or this form is really confusing. I hope the people who writes these forms and 1040 forms aren't the same ones who'll end up writing my mandatory Obamacare forms!
Yeah, doesn't make any sense considering a C&R license does not involve a place of business or a store front. Go figure.....
Sorry for the hijack but does anyone know about renewing and the CLEO?

The form for renewal asks if a copy of the form has been sent to the CLEO,just a copy of each side?Anything else needed?

Also asks for signature and Title?What does everyone put for title?

Thanks for any info and sorry again for the hijack...
Would Collector work for title also?

Also when sending copy, do you send an explanation along with it as is normally done with the original app?
Most anything you put down would probably work.... it's not going to make or break the deal one way or the other. No "explanation" needed to the Chief, as he couldn't care less.
No "explanation" needed to the Chief, as he couldn't care less.

I think it's only required so if the CLEO has a good reason for the license to be denied he can tell BATF about it. In reality, I think most of them file it in the round file cabinet by their desk!
captianpattson said:
Thanks for all your help. Either I'm not as intelligent as I think I am or this form is really confusing. I hope the people who writes these forms and 1040 forms aren't the same ones who'll end up writing my mandatory Obamacare forms!

I think they have several lawyers working at the "form is really confusing" part. I just renewed my 03 and the "new" form is even more confusing then the old form.

carlie said:
In tn. you have to have approval of the planning commission, I don't have any idea why.

Back door gun control. They well attempt to control the number of guns in a household, storage of said guns. I just read a article about a neighborhood organization trying to stop a man from selling guns from his house, and not as a business.
Since we're all jumping in with questions here, and no one seems to be responding to one I just posted in a thread I started...

Item 9 on the application, is that ONLY if the application is for a business? It says "Provide the information...Responsible Person in the Business (emphasis mine), so do I as an individual need to complete that part of the form? It seems to be the same information as on the top of the application, with a little more info requested (ethnicity, sex, etc.).

Just want to make sure I get this right the first time.