c-more vs. optima 2000 vs. holgraphic -- recommendations??


New member
Has anyone seen a serious comparison of the merits of these three sights for competitive shooting? Or have you had experiences with any of them. Thanks for any info.
What kind of competitive shooting?

I've used all three and don't think any of them are very good for bullseye, but would work for IPSC. My experience with the Tasco is very limited but the dot seems to be pretty dim and might be hard to see in very bright sunclight.
I have the C-more mounted on my race gun for IPSC open competition and like it alot. The best thing about it is the weight. It weighs on ly 3.5 oz and makes the pistol very fast for me. I like the idea of the holosight but it is just too bulky for me so i chose the C-more. The Optima 2000 is also a great idea but they are just starting to get the bugs worked out to where you can actually get one that works. I plan on giving them more time and then getting one to try out. I also whish they would bring down the price, it is an expensive little bugger.
If you want, e-mail me off line and I can send you a comparison of the c-more/holosight/aimpoint done a few years ago by Mike Voight, a well known IPSC/SOF shooter. wegner@theriver.com

I have an optima 2000 sitting in my safe at home. I put it on the wifes plate gun, and it wouldnt hold calibration. I sent it back, and got a new one. installed it and it did the same. after 3 tries, I gave up on it. I put a psa 30mm red dot on it, and it works great. I have a tasco propoint 3 on mine, and it works well. if only the optima had worked out, it would have been great. It is a real light weight and great idea. If you do decide to try one Evolution gun works makes the best mounts for it.