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New member
For those who don't know about C.A.N., this is for you, because Everybody should know about C.A.N.

You can do a search for "constitutional action" to find much of the discussion about C.A.N. (especially at ar15.com)

This IS worth your time to check out if you are a person who feels the U.S. Constitution is being trashed and who cares about that.

Best of all, C.A.N. is FREE. You already have everything you need to be a C.A.N. Contact or State Operator. Email, and a phone. This network is made up of US.

So who's talkin, and who's walkin today?

Join up :)

What is C.A.N. ?

The Constitutional Action Network is a group of private United States Citizens that is being formed to communicate with each other in the event of National Crisis or Emergency and possibly take actions to protect the Lives and Rights of each other, as well as other Americans.

C.A.N. has no definable purpose beyond that. There is no implication of what actions (if any) might be taken for any specific event.

C.A.N. has been created in response to the frustrations of many Pro-Constitution minded people voicing that there is no available way to organize together in the face of Crisis

Who Should Join C.A.N.?

The people who should join are folks who would be willing to spend their time, and energy protecting the values set forth in the Constitution and especially the Bill of Rights in the event those should ever be threatened on a Major scale. They must be willing to ACT in the defense of Themselves and other Americans to the extent that their moral values, means, and situation will allow at such a time.

Who Should NOT join C.A.N.?

People who should NOT join C.A.N are those who only wish to use the network to be informed, but would not take action despite their ability to do so. This would only waste valuable time and resources.

What would I have to do as a C.A.N. Contact?

Basically no more than to do whatever YOU can to help whatever objective C.A.N is trying to acomplish in response to an emergency. And then only if the action is something you believe in. You see, C.A.N is not a group in itself, but the means to form groups to take action in the event that we(as Americans) need it.
C.A.N by itself is only a network for like minded people to communicate with each other should the need arise.
Any objectives other than that are formed retroactively by the membership itself in times of crisis.

You can find out more about C.A.N. here:
SameShot, Different day
Sameshot has said about all that can be said the more people involved in this the more efective it will be as he said are you going to just talk it or are you going to walk it
Join C.A.N. today

for those of you in GA
jacob a mullis
C.A.N. operator Georgia

by the way there also still positions open for state operators if interested contact sameshot

This is a good thing, not a bad thing or useless thing. It's a network for quickly informing gun owners, AT NEED, of any sudden requirement for action or decision-making, about their RKBA.
It might seem slightly paranoid. Perhaps it is. If so, no harm done. The state of affairs in our modern "big (Federal) government" makes me consider at least the possibility of sweeping anti-gun legislation attempts or even confiscation, however, and C.A.N. is simply a means of getting in touch QUICKLY with a network of like-minded, concerned people. It is not a militia, or a bunch of nuts, just a means to communicate among people prepared to take some sort of action (legal, political, moral, self-defensive, etc.) at need.
Gun-owners are typically such "rugged individualists" that they're not usually "joiners", but this concept will only work if responsible, clear-thinking gun owners sign up.
C'mon guys. Anyone who's interested in Utah can contact me via my email address link above. (I'm the C.A.N. operator for Utah.)
A number of other states still lack even operators, I believe.

"Potius sero quam nunquam."
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen. –
Samuel Adams, speech at the Philadelphia State House, August 1, 1776.

Nuff said,

NY C.A.N. Op
Watch it guys. NSA phrase nets aren't only on phones and general band radio freq's. I won't be clarifing.
If we are to the point that they will bust us for using the phone or email to contact another person to talk about the U.S. Constitution, then we are already hosed.

California C.A.N. operator

SameShot, Different day
All manner of protest might be read into the C.A.N. cause. Unfortunately, the most dangerous construction would be an armed, physical opposition to our government.

Some might argue that the Constitution provides for and embraces such organization. However, TFL represents an individual's living room. So, when you arrange such organization, you involuntarily associate every one of our Members with your cause. This, I am not comfortable with.

On behalf of all the Members and Staff that have expressed concern with this thread, we must ask you to better clarify your goals or to take your quest elsewhere.
Rich Lucibella

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited November 15, 1999).]
I have tried to do that.
Our cause is to allow people to communicate with each other. That's it.
Indeed, one of the endless amounts of "constructions" that may be passed through the network could be armed confrontation as you state.
Tell me this, could you not ever in your wildest imagination think of a scenerio when armed confrontation would be the will of the people?
For you see, as I have stated. C.A.N. is not politcally motivated in any way, nor is it even a group. It is only a way to communicate. A phone tree.
I would imagine that short of the Government gunning down and imprisoning it's own citizens, that C.A.N. would never be used for anything but inviting people to peaceful protests, encouraging writting letters, and other very mild actions.
However, I will not beat around the bush, if something so astonishing were to happen that even the peaceful people in my state group felt that there was no other concieveable alterative than to take up arms in defense as is implied by the 2nd Amendment of the US CONSTITUTION, then I would feel compelled to pass that message through to the other operators. Wouldn't you?
If you expect me to say that if such a dire emergency were to come along, that I would would not pass it down, then I would dissapoint you.
In any case, I am sure that such a confrontation is the last thing that C.A.N. members would would want. We are adult Americans with lives, and jobs, and families.
Some of the people who have joined C.A.N. would defend against an attack on the people if they were called to do so. If it's not for that, then what, I ask you is the 2nd Amendment, or the Constitution, for that matter for anyway?
Yes Rich, if people had come to the point that they would be willing to sacrifice on that level to defend the American way, then I would pass their message through the network.
Remember, C.A.N. is only that..a network.

In any case, we used your board to post this INVITATION to join C.A.N. I don't see how it involves your members by association. Some would join, some would not. I have never stated any affiliation between C.A.N. and TFL.
We posted here because we thought we would find people here who would want to be able to organize together to protest Un-Contitutional acts, and Yes, even those who desire to stand with other Americans in the face of a National Crisis.
We have found that, and SOME from TFL have signed up. They represent only themselves, and their values, but not TFL as a whole.

I am disturbed that people from a board called "The Firing Line" would take issue with posting invitations to join a phone tree of pro-Constitional, pro-2nd A' people.
C.A.N. for the 100th time IS NOT a milita, it is not even a group per say.

Well, it's mute point.
Rich, you are a respected member and adminstrator of this site. Your voicing that your are un-comfortable with us posting here will discourage many if not all of your members from joining C.A.N.

I fear we'll have to write off TFL as a lost cause. Too bad.

C.A.N. is made up of some of the people on this board and the other boards like it. Not all of them, but some.
We are giving you a means to communicate with your neighbors and fellow Americans across the country Just in case they ever NEED to.
I cant help that some people will try to read more into it than that.
I fear some of the members of TFL might have appreciated this tool.

Well Rich, I respect your board very much.
Email me, and I will pass alone to the other C.A.N. operators who are members of this site, not to post here.


California C.A.N. operator

SameShot, Different day

[This message has been edited by SameShot (edited November 15, 1999).]
Have we come to the point where the attempt to organize a contact tree is looked upon with suspicion? I have heard the ADL call survivalists a danger to the country, but this has got to take the cake. I can see it now - the organization of a contact list with intent to safeguard the laws of the land deemed dangerous to the nation.

Are we all so filled with fear that this idea is a danger or could even be construed as such?

The Gestapo tactics of our Govt. has surely worked its way into the collective psyche of peope who believe in the written laws of the land. The point is fast approaching where only muted whispers of dissent, barely heard, are our only means of communication.

I am saddened.

I'm just a bit dumb-founded...

What would be the problem with a well justified armed conflict against our government, should it come to that?

I'm certain we have all asked ourselves the question of when it would be appropriate and justifiable, and I'm not so sure that we have any firm answer to this question.

Maybe I don't understand the intent of the 2nd Amendment as well as I thought I did.

Please, someone, enlighten me.

"Every man dies. But, not every man truly lives!"


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
reply to Rich Lucibella
Dear Richard: I, as a believer in the second ammendment of the constitution and
a law abiding gun owner am saddened and disappointed in you in regards to your response to C.A.N. --which states that it is not even a group, but only an information passing network similar to a telephone tree.
According to the statements of the C.A.N. members on this post,they provide only information and do not recommend action. Any choice to take action is the sole choice of the reciepient. Rich, it seems you are of faint heart.You probably have some reasons
that you are unconfertable stating in public.
I hope you find inner strength when you need it most.

[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited November 16, 1999).]
I too, am somewhat taken aback by Rich's statement. I accepted the C.A.N. posts as nothing more than a request to set up a phone tree, as mentioned above, and nothing more.

I think that once this tree is set up, any further C.A.N. posts can be distributed there. That being said, much of what would be
posted there would also end up here, as it is in our common interest to do so.

Calls to attend a rally, spread a news article, etc. are innocuous in themselves and should be no call for alarm.
Whoa! People! Back off on Rich, here! He's just expressing the same tenseness that I felt when I read a letter of invitation to join a group with state organizers that sound a lot like cell-leaders, for the purpose of... What, exactly? <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> For you see, as I have stated. C.A.N. is not politcally motivated in any way, nor is it even a group. It is only a way to communicate. A phone tree.
I would imagine that short of the Government gunning down and imprisoning it's own citizens, that C.A.N. would never be used for anything but inviting people to peaceful protests, encouraging writting letters, and other very mild actions.[/quote] (Emphasis mine)

Wait a second, here! First we hear that C.A.N. has NO agenda, whatsoever, then we find that it's a bit of a grass-roots campaign organization. That's a bit more than the mere "communication network" that it was first purported to be. How does this work, and why is it better? As I understood it originally, this was supposed to be a network of people who communicated with each other and... wait-- take WHAT actions?

Communicate how? By the phones? E-mail? Ham radio? So what you're doing is identifying now the people you'd want to act when/if the S.H.T.F.?

Sounds cagey, like we're not getting the full story. Now, don't get defensive! I'm just saying that it looks like this IS a "Militia Lite."

Look, the word "militia" has gotten a bad rap lately. All abled bodied men are members of our collective militia, in my opinion. But do we really need to have folks hook up as a sub-culture? Look, if the S.H.T.F., I'll band together with my friends and loved ones, and I'll call people I trust elsewhere for updates. Why do we need networks?

Rich is trying to protect his board by requiring that all cards be put on the table if someone attempts to conduct a recruiting mission on his board. He's trying to protect the integrity of the board, which actually was, after all, set up for the descussion of firearms, their artifacts, ammo, shooters, and freedoms of carry.

Again, not criticizing C.A.N., but either more information needs to be presented, or C.A.N. needs to be permanently tabled.


Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

(Post edited for to clean up formatting errors only. Text has not been changed.)

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited November 16, 1999).]
rich mister moderator i have always respected your posts in the past and respect your opinion but in this matter i most certanly have to dissigre i'm not that good with words and most that can be said has so i'll just say there is nothing to fear here it is simply a nother way to comunicate an updated phone tree that includes the internet

Both of those statements that you quoted are true. They do not conflict.
C.A.N. has no agenda other than to allow communication.

Your (my) second quote states ".....C.A.N. would never be used........."

If you make a phone call to your local representitive to complain about un-just laws, or call a friend to to invite him to lawful protest, then has your Telephone somehow magically gained a political agenda?
No, of course not. Political agendas come from people, not telephones, and C.A.N. is indeed made up of people. A phone is a tool. C.A.N. is a tool for people who are Constitutionally minded. If you think that "Constitutionally Minded" means "Deathwish Milita Terrorist" then then I think you have a problem, and should consider moving to another country.

I am no wizard with words, and I am trying to do the best I can here.
I for one don't see anything going on here that is so difficult to understand.
Even LongPath has tried to read into this something that isn't there,
Its like giving a kid at camp a walkie talkie and the kid asking "what is this for?"

You say "in case you need it to contact me"

Kid says:
Like if a bear attacks me?
like if I fall in a ditch?
Like if I get poison ivy?
like if I'm lost?
Like if I have to go to the bathroom?

You say "maybe, you decide if you need it"

Kid says:
Will you send in the rescue team if I'm lost?
Will you send in the rescue team if I have to go to the bathroom?

After awhile, you just want to say, ok kid, forget it. You obviosly don't know what to do with a walkie talkie, nor would you be responsible enough to decide when you need to use it..so hand it over.

This network depends on the ADULT MEMBERS to make their own decisions on what they feel the appropriate action (IF ANY) is, in response to something that is obviously an emergency at the time.
It is impossible (read Impossible) for me to predict what conclusions those people will come up with, and hence, the line reads "C.A.N. has no definable purpose beyone that".

I for one, I guess, have a little more faith in the judgement of the sensible adults that comprise this network. They are not loony camo wearing extremists. Just people who would help their fellow Americans if they are able by taking sensible adult actions.
(Please don't say "Like what?" now)

You might have noticed by the tone of this post that I am feeling somewhat frustrated by all of this.

Never in my life would I have believed that it would be so hard to organize a communication network for my own brother and sister Americans who spend all day yacking on these boards about how they are being screwed by the Gov', and that they have no recourse.
Well C.A.N. doesn't promise to solve all those problems. It was created by some of the people on these (type) boards to resolve one small part of those frustrations. To allow us to communicate if we need to.
If there was ever a Grassroots organization, this is it. A phone tree that as of now consists almost 100% of people who you are likely to see posting on these boards that you read. Look up, see anybody you recognise? I'd call that Grassroots.
C.A.N. was created by some of us to help ALL OF US in one small way, and much labor has gone into it so far to make it a viable tool.
These people, who you probably know by now are on your side are involved and spending their in this for their own benifit, and equally yours too.

If you want to know what C.A.N. might be used for, then join, and then ask yourself what YOU would use it for, because that is how it works.
You take the steps, and if you need help, You could ask for help through the C.A.N network.
If there are people out there who agree with you and would like to help, they will, if not, they wont, but at least you got the chance to get the word out.
Do you know of another way to do this? For FREE?

It is a simple concept, it is a good concept, these are good people trying to help.

If you are neck deep in paranoia, then ask more, read more, or learn more before you try to pick it apart.

Take it, or Trash it.

P.S. Rich, of all the things I read on this board, C.A.N. has to be one of the most PC things there is. Is it because we have some sort of organization that you are being pressured? What about FOUP? Certainly if you read through the mass of posts on this board, you will find some things quite a bit more distrubing than a phone tree.
I am very curious what/who has brought this concern to you. Please email me and let me know what's up.

SameShot, Different day

[This message has been edited by SameShot (edited November 16, 1999).]
1) C.A.N. is an organization. You have state leaders, superiors, and
subordinates. You call it a phone tree organized to “take action” - that’s
an organization.

2) C.A.N. is formed “... to communicate with each other in the even of
National Crisis or Emergency and possibly take actions to protect the Lives
and Rights of each other, as well as other Americans. ... (and members)
must be willing to ACT in the defense of Themselves and other
Americans.... Who Should NOT join C.A.N.? People ...who only wish to
use the network to be informed....”

- What emergency would be so severe as to need such communication but
still have an operating internet and/or telephone system?

- If all you plan to do is talk, write letters, and otherwise correspond with
representatives of government, it seems to me the Legal and Political
Forum provides ample opportunity to coordinate such efforts.

- If all you want to do is share information, the GOA and other
organizations have e-mail newsletters to do the job and you can
communicate with each other without a separate “phone tree”
organization. (Your e-mail address book can act as your phone tree.) But
you’ve already stated that your organization is NOT for those who only
want to be informed.

- By permitting membership only for those who are “willing to ACT” and by
leaving “actions” open to individual interpretation, you coyly try to avoid
the accusation that this involves a call to arms. To me, it is too easy to
infer you are advocating the use of force to overthrow the government.
There are other places where such views are more appropriate (on the
internet and elsewhere) than on TFL. Who decides? The guy who owns it.

3) You sound to a reasonable observer to be establishing a group using all
methods including force. Many posts pertaining to your group reinforce
that impression and other posts by your members implying weakness,
cowardice, and lack of will being the only reasons for NOT joining your
organization are inaccurate and insulting.

Your explanations of C.A.N. are clear only:
- when taken one at a time - in which case they do not agree with each
other, or
- when taken collectively - in which case they sound like a call to arms
and use of force against our government.

4) Rich asked about the mission of your organization. Explanations and
comments by your members sound to me like a bunch of arm-chair
soldiers trying to establish a chain of command not only for legitimate,
united, political activities but also use of force. The term “militia lite”
(though a bit cutesy for my taste) seems accurate.

It is my understanding that TFL is not intended to organize paramilitary
force. For political clout:
- TFL and various e-mail services generate more input that I can read.
- TFL provides me with all the coordination I require.

That’s why I am not joining C.A.N.

Should someone wish to accuse me of lack of dedication or cowardice, take
it to e-mail so I can give the retort such an accusation would deserve.
SameShot, et. al.:

“C.A.N. has been created in response to the frustrations of many Pro-Constitution minded people voicing that there is no available way to organize together in the face of Crisis.”

“The Constitutional Action Network is a group of private United States Citizens that is being formed to communicate with each other in the event of National Crisis or Emergency and possibly take actions to protect the Lives and Rights of each other, as well as other Americans. C.A.N. has no definable purpose beyond that.”

Comment #1: Were you active in NC, and helped to facilitate the evacuation efforts or muster volunteers to assist in the post-disaster clean-up and recovery operations when the hurricane struck recently?

“C.A.N by itself is only a network for like minded people to communicate with each other should the need arise. Any objectives other than that are formed retroactively by the membership itself in times of crisis.”

Comment #2: I believe this is why we have multi-levels of government, precisely to preclude the necessity of possibly ill-advised but well-intentioned autonomous actions by citizens. I believe the words ‘lynch mob’ and ‘vigilantes’ are normally inserted in the legal dialogue to describe such autonomous collective efforts. Notably absent from your discussion, is any point that one could infer support to those persons already committed to those legitimate networks, which are already in place and interacting with the various levels of local, state, and federal disaster preparedness and other emergency response activities, to do exactly what you’ve stated to be the goals of C.A.N. Or, is helping folks not “constitutional” enough in your context of activity? Working within the bounds of our society and it’s laws to effect change are not only effective, but they are legal.

“For you see, as I have stated. C.A.N. is not politcally (sic) motivated in any way, nor is it even a group. It is only a way to communicate. A phone tree.” … “If we are to the point that they will bust us for using the phone or email to contact another person to talk about the U.S. Constitution, then we are already hosed.”

Comment #3: This concept is great, and it works well for the PTA, garden clubs, even grass-roots political action committees, all of which have a well defined and legitimate purpose for their communications effort. Personally, I can't help but wonder how you'll execute the "phone-tree" under some of the circumstances to which you've alluded. Such as: when the power is out (natural catastrophe) or when communication utilities are limited to official and emergency use, as would be in a national crisis of the proportion to which you alluded in your first post (the government OWNS and controls the bandwidth that you talk on, both via microwave transmitters (telephone) and the cellular wavelengths. Even HAM, C/B & family communications bands are a boon from the Federal Government. So, given these limits of our most common modalities of communications, this whole concept seems to be based upon some unrealistic assumptions. Aside from giving some of our membership (and member of other forums as well, you did indicate you’ve been busy recruiting elsewhere) a false sense of security, what substantive grounds do you have for your claims? Consequently, your project seems to be like all too many of the laws that are being passed lately... no substance, just feel good stuff.
Dennis, I can only answer that one peice at a time, so here goes..

Dennis wrote:

1) C.A.N. is an organization. You have state leaders, superiors, and
subordinates. You call it a phone tree organized to “take action” - that’s
an organization.

*** C.A.N. does not have state leaders, nor superiors. A "State Operator" is a person who volunteers to keep a list to call other people.
This is the way that ANY phone tree works. Be in the PTA, or C.A.N.***

2) C.A.N. is formed “... to communicate with each other in the even of
National Crisis or Emergency and possibly take actions to protect the Lives
and Rights of each other, as well as other Americans. ... (and members)
must be willing to ACT in the defense of Themselves and other
Americans.... Who Should NOT join C.A.N.? People ...who only wish to
use the network to be informed....”

*** There are plenty of resources for people to keep informed with. TFL is one of them. C.A.N. is looking for people who would act. If an emergency did arise, the point is to organise people who would have the desire to help in some way, not for the operators to be stuck calling people who are just curious as to the latest news****

- What emergency would be so severe as to need such communication but
still have an operating internet and/or telephone system?

***I don't know Dennis, but in the worst case, I suppose the Founding Fathers didn't write the 2nd Amendment to deal with lost luggage***

- If all you plan to do is talk, write letters, and otherwise correspond with
representatives of government, it seems to me the Legal and Political
Forum provides ample opportunity to coordinate such efforts.

***And I have used those forums to do just that. I started the C.A.N network BECAUSE of people in those forums expressing that there should be some way for us to communicate****

- If all you want to do is share information, the GOA and other
organizations have e-mail newsletters to do the job and you can
communicate with each other without a separate “phone tree”
organization. (Your e-mail address book can act as your phone tree.) But
you’ve already stated that your organization is NOT for those who only
want to be informed.

**** GOA and Who? By that logic, we should only have 1 pro-(gun) organization. Should we vote? NRA, GOA, what will we choose? Maybe FOUP? I don't know of any of these that would actually call you directly. I wonder if the GOA got bashed by the NRA'er when they were getting started?***

- By permitting membership only for those who are “willing to ACT” and by
leaving “actions” open to individual interpretation, you coyly try to avoid
the accusation that this involves a call to arms. To me, it is too easy to
infer you are advocating the use of force to overthrow the government.

**** even I, on my best day could not be that coy. It is as I have presented it****

There are other places where such views are more appropriate (on the
internet and elsewhere) than on TFL. Who decides? The guy who owns it.

*** 100% true, I already offered to Rich to email me, and I would ask the C.A.N. ops to stop posting here. I have been polite and responsible about it. I also had an email converstion with Rich awhile ago, and told him that I would make sure that TFL was not flooded with C.A.N. postings. His reply was that "can is good stuff" and that he was fully behind it. You can pull the plug on us at any time, but before you do, do a search on my nickname, and the others who support C.A.N..
I think you will find that we are all trying to find ways to protect the rights of the members who enjoy your board****

3) You sound to a reasonable observer to be establishing a group using all
methods including force. Many posts pertaining to your group reinforce
that impression and other posts by your members implying weakness,
cowardice, and lack of will being the only reasons for NOT joining your
organization are inaccurate and insulting.

*** Have we not heard that from people of every group that is fighting for our rights?
Has anyone here on your board ever said something like "Stand up and be counted, Join the NRA?" I bet they have, and probably 1000 different versions of something like that****

Your explanations of C.A.N. are clear only:
- when taken one at a time - in which case they do not agree with each
other, or
- when taken collectively - in which case they sound like a call to arms
and use of force against our government.
**** I have tried to explain this, but if you take it that way, then I have not succeeded in your case. There obviously are many here who do understand this, and are not trying so hard to dismiss us by reading things into it that are not there****

4) Rich asked about the mission of your organization. Explanations and
comments by your members sound to me like a bunch of arm-chair
soldiers trying to establish a chain of command not only for legitimate,
united, political activities but also use of force. The term “militia lite”
(though a bit cutesy for my taste) seems accurate.

*** The arm chair part seems to me is just an insult, and I wont respond to that. What IS "militia lite" anyway? People who would entertain the use of force against a government that had become corrupt? If so, then you need to lock down your legal and political forum, as it is full of that****

It is my understanding that TFL is not intended to organize paramilitary
force. For political clout:
- TFL and various e-mail services generate more input that I can read.
- TFL provides me with all the coordination I require.

That’s why I am not joining C.A.N.
*** In that case sir, you are not joining C.A.N. for reasons that have little to do with C.A.N.***

Should someone wish to accuse me of lack of dedication or cowardice, take
it to e-mail so I can give the retort such an accusation would deserve.

*** Frankly Dennis, you have just publically accused a good amount of sensible caring Americans of being first, Arm Chair soldiers, and then, an active paramilitary group. Neither of which do I think they deserved for trying to help our common cause. Non of which I would imagine would accuse you of such thing. Not exactly fair in my book****

SameShot, Different day
Wow, another one? I'll give it to the TFL powers, you bond well.
Mykl, I'll try to answer your post now if you are even willing to hear me out.
You have basically jointly crushed a group at TFL that is trying to give yet another resource for us to use in our struggles to maintain our rights.
I for one am completly shocked that this is coming from the heads at TFL.
In any case, it's 6 in the morning now and I havent slept, but I will try to answer your post.........
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