C.A.N. "Part Deux"

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New member
Rich and Sameshot,

I am not as good with the words as the both of you. I is an Engineer by trade and my English suffered at the expense of my mechanical gifts.

But too the point. I get good information from a number of sites. TFL being one and AR15 has gave invaluable information about my firearms.

We are all in this together. The second admendment is under attack. In the not to distant future if the sequence of events are not reversed, we will loose our rights to bear arms or our right will be so hollow, it will not be worth the paper it's printed on. Using the existing political system, voting, supporting the NRA, GOA and makes the best sense and I do support them both 110%.

What C.A.N does for me personally, allows me to get involved in pro 2nd amendment issues and provide whatever support I can. With the NRA and GOA I know they are doing stuff, I read about it, but it is off in the distance. I am a hands on person. Looking to give all I can.

If anybody reading this wish to see additional discussions about this, Rich and Sameshot are conversing at.... Take a look half way down. There are some less than flattering remarks, please just ignore them and focus on the issue....

I am not looking to insult anyone, or tick anybody off, just trying to figure out how to resolve our differences.....

Best regards,


Please get involved, Join the NRA, GOA

[This message has been edited by Pickupdan (edited November 18, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Pickupdan (edited November 19, 1999).]
At this point, I'd prefer to see this subject fade quietly. If you guys force me to get into the pluses and minuses of C.A.N. publicly, it's only gonna create animosity.

Judging from my attempt at civil discourse in the thread you've referenced, many C.A.N. "Operators" are mostly interested in verbalizing the superiority of their patriotism and the size of their testicles. This is not a bad thing. But it is not my thing.

Let it go. I'll take SameShot up on his offer and email him.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited November 18, 1999).]
Fear and paranoia, all over a communications net. Better hope TFL isn't next, since it can serve the same role as C.A.N.

Anybody wanting to disuss C.A.N. further, come on over to www.ar15.com

Rich - I did read your post over at AR15.com, and I do commend you for offering the Olive Branch. We gun owners are all on the Titanic, some of us have just noticed the ship listing more.


[This message has been edited by Paul B (edited November 18, 1999).]
Although I'm sure Rich and his team, and all of us could argue this into every board on the net, it has indeed evolved into the realm of being un-productive.
We all had a big scuffle, and now we are not helping anybody.
Although Rich and I do not agree on some things here...we do agree on this.

Rich, I will welcome your email, and hopefully we, over time will be able to come up with something that you feel comfortable with.
I will not pout, and declare that I would never like to use Rich's page to promote C.A.N. again if we came to that point, because it does not help anyone to do that. Ego or not.
Yes Rich, please email me and let's resolve this between us for the better of all who are stuck reading all of this.

Dan, If it's ok with you... I would like to give my "official" consent for Rich to lock this down for now.

California C.A.N. operator

SameShot, Different day
I've stayed out of this until now.

Look people...RKBA has many different facets and means to accomplish our beliefs. One method isn't any better or more "pure" than another.

To be honest, I'm getting pretty disheartened...the forces against us sure are able to put aside their differences and unite for their goal. Many of us are exactly what the liberals brand us as....monomaniacal intolerent nutbars. You don't agree with me, immediately insults concerning sexual prowess, sexual development come into play; or "I'm more conservative and pure and a truer believer than you."

Seems quite moronic to pick fights with folks on your side. And if the SHTF, I wonder how many of the tough-talking, non-"PC" guys will just piddle their pants and cave. You combat vets know.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
DC, it was not either party picking a fight. We were all on the same side, and something went terrible wrong.

Besides, we hear all that sort of banter all the time when people get excited.

I've emailed Dan to return and request that this topic is closed in keeping with TFL's policy. Or you may close it now and Dan I'm sure would be ok with that, if not, he has my ass to chew out (which he is quite capable of).

We ARE all on the same side here, but we have also proven that perhaps public bickering is not the best way to resolve our differences.

All the best

SameShot, Different day
Its not necessary to close this. I spoke here because I would have inflamed the other. You've been around long enough to recognize my style and I trust you realize I'm not now taking a shot at you, nor do I infer you were the example in my last post. You weren't, you stayed on topic.

I read the thread on ar15.com and thats why I'm commenting and very disheartened.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
It is because of the topic on AR15 that I am Agreeing with Rich that this has gone too far.
If you desire to keep this topic open, then you will have yet another shouting match on your hands, and I think we all agree it is bad for everyone who buys ammo.
This started as an argument about the intent of C.A.N. and it's suitibility to be posted on TFL, and then turned into AR15 vs TFL, and then Rich vs SameShot.
Hey, I think I'm right, Rich thinks he is right, but we both know that nobody will profit unless the topic is keps to the original one, and it is doubtful that it will at this point since everyone's tempers have risen a few degrees.
This is why both Rich and I have mutually agreed to take this to email for now.

Let it go SS. Last time we closed this topic in hopes of avoiding a pissing contest, some of the guys on your Forum assumed that it had to do with our lack of cohones.

BTW. None of the above is to be taken as a slam to Ed Avilla's AR15.com. They've been a TFL linked site from day one and helped us get started. When they went down, their members were welcome here.

Sameshot, you have mail. ;)
same shot , rich , I really dont know at all what you guys can even find to argue about. I belong to both tfl and can and I like em both just fine. I dont think Im better than any
one else, Im just really very concerned about the way the US is heading and I want to try to make sure that our rights are not sold out from under us like Australia and England.
The sight of all those fine firearms
getting cut in half with a friction radial arm cut off saw just made me sick to my stomach.Nearly puked.Re: NRA Infomercial
Banned/Canada/Banned Showed the results of gun Konfiscations in Australia,England and Canada. WE MUST NEVER BE NEXT.PERIOD.

We should all work together to insure the continuation of the second ammendment in americia. I ,for one, will do it any and all ways that are legal. My way aint better, your way aint better,I'll try both ways and hope they both work! Rich, I misjudged you and I apoligize about the faint heart crack. I can see now that there is much more to you that
first impressions might suggest. I admit I was a little bit too "hot" when I did that post. Sorry!
Now I got to go to ar15.com to see what you guys were talking about.
Hey - lets stay friends- yes!

Mr. Rich Lucibella,

I repectfully ask you to close this thread. Nothing further can be gained by discussing this issue.

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