BVAC ammunition......any opinions??


New member

I recently saw some boxes of bulk ammunition from a company called BVAC. I was wondering if anyone here had any opinions and/or experience with this brand? I noticed some reviews on some other forums that was varied, though I'd ask here and see what some of you thought.

Thank you.
I bought a half case of BVAC .223 ammo a few years ago. Transferred it to a metal can, as it came in a cardboard box, but I kept the lot number info just in case. Every round fired without fail, and had consistent results downrange.
I'm an odd duck.

I buy BVAC ammo for my .38 Spec's, because they are one of the few companies left making full wadcutter cartridges with more than 750fps loads, and remaining within 'standard pressure', and still putting 50 rounds in a box at a price equivalent to the rest putting 20 in a box, including that over-praised "buffawoe crap".

I have bought Ultramax, Georgia Arms, Hunting Shack Munitions - also sold as I.Q. Metals, and BVAC 'works like the old Timex'.
I fired some .44 special BVAC ammo in an indoor range once and nearly suffocated on the smoke. Outdoors, however, it was a more pleasant experience.

Cheap, dirty, consistent. I'd buy more.