Buying Pants


Now, how hard is it buying pants? You go into a store, find pants you like on sale, grab a pair, go and pay.

No problem right...... WRONG

I got a pair of pants tonite and they are great. They are 1) made in the USA, 2) have deep pockets, and 3) have a cargo pocket.

A tactical mall ninja's dream, at only $19.99 per pair.

I didn't try them on (the store that I bought them doesn't have a dressing room). I didn't try them on with the rig setup that I have. I messed up.

Right side, 4:32 (or 3, give or take).. BELT LOOP :eek: .

On my other pants, when I found the "sweet spot", the loop is further behind. The straps that are on my holster, doesn't touch the belt loop on my other pair of pants, but on this pair, right where it needs to go, belt loop is right there.

I tried to go around it, in front of it, behind it, it doesn't work the same, it becames uncomfortable.

And my "gun belt" that I just saw was "made in china" just weakened under the weight of the gun. It was working (and I changed pants and it is noticably(sp) weak now) but it just 'gave'.

Now I'm going to 1) Buy a made in USA real 'gun' belt of better stiffness and thickness and 2) buy pants only if I can try them on with the rig setup that I have.

OOOH I liek that last idea. I have a pair of pants with the same problem!

Thanks for the obvious idea. Im going to cut the loop out and move it! USP, I suggest you try the same. Its definatly a legitimate problem
they make sewing machines for a reason :D or jes buy a needle and thread. use a sharp knife tip and cut form the thread up and remove the belt loop. Thread the needle and sew.... a few minutes and the belt loop is better than before.
hrmmm.... you got dat right

I think there is more danger of a tsunami hitting Nebraska than Wayne being in a suit....
Geez, thanks Eghad (and I do have suits ;) ).

Ingram: The reason that I posted was to give a heads up that it's important to try on cloths with your rig so you get it right the first time.

To all the others that actually gave advice and not sarcastic remarks, I thank you. I will cut and then replace the belt loop. I hadn't thought of that (see, it does work to post on a gun board, about gun problems, whether it be the gun, the rig, or the attire).

You'd better take careful note of exactly what she's had done to your suits, and how it was done, in case you lose her for any reason and have to explain to the next clothier what needs to be modified.

Can anyone recommend an everyday "gun belt" for use with an IWB holster for a GLOCK 27? I don't often carry that way, but that's my 2nd choice, and I don't have a gun-specific belt for doing so. Thanks.

Hard to go wrong with the Wilderness belts. I wear one of the 1.5" CSM belts every day, and have yet to have a sheeple see it and scream "Gun!!" Black, tan or OD.
There's a reason 'off-the-rack' clothes cost what they do - they're 'off-the-rack', what you see is what you get. If you find something tha works well, CCW-wise, you're lucky. Trust me, Levi's Dockers do not consider CCW fitment Tailors have to eat, too, after all.

Do you or your wife sew? If you do, it ain't that hard to modify OTR stuff to fit, but it does take some practice and forethought. Otherwise, find a good semstress or tailor and work it out. It realy isn't very expensive in the long run.
Hey Blackmind,

I have a Galco 1.75" and a Galco 1.5" belt. Galco has a good selection of buckles and a few styles. It's been one of the best investments I've made.