Why are your FFL fees so high?
I'm reading here that you estimate that your transfer fees will amount to nearly $250?
That seems really, really high. I'm curious how did you come up with that figure? Most receiving FFL's only charge a single fee to receive and log a transfer, and then call in the Form 4473. Follow the FFL list on gunbroker mentioned earlier, and call the FFL's on the list to get their prices for transfers. It might take a few hours to get the answers you need, but the time spent searching will be well worth the investment.
Mine only charges me $10 for incoming transfers, and $10 + shipping for outgoing. I drive 1.5 hours each way to get to him, but it's still cheaper than anybody else in this part of the country.
I'm purchasing a couple of long guns from a guy in NJ. (One of the worst unfriendly gun states) I agreed to pay his transfers for both of them. The total to transfer both guns is only $106, and I think that's still way too high. But, what am I to do but pay them, since I want these guns.
If you know if a local supplier for your Mak, as mentioned earlier, you might be able to negotiate the price some, if you let them know you've seen them priced for $XX online. Figure out what the total cost to you online would be, including all the shipping and transfer fees and use that as your bargaining price if they're still higher.
I truly wish you are able to get your gun affordably and soon. Waiting is the worst part if the whole transaction.