Buying a used hammerless revolver?

Tropical Z

New member
How can you check it?
When i recently purchased my old Hi Standard,i was able to do the standard checks i've read about here at TFL by holding back the trigger and hammer and checking stuff.How do you check a DAO revolver that has no external hammer?
Get the vendor's or owner's permission to dry-fire it.

If that's OK, then proceed to check each chamber for lock-up after the hammer falls. Check the gap between the cylinder and forcing cone with the gun held up to a good light. The gap should appear equal on every chamber. Timing is tougher, and requires some finesse. Slowly and steadily pull the trigger for each chamber. You are looking and listening for the cylinder to click into its locked position before the hammer falls.
Not as accurate but requiring less finesse (and hearing)and will show you any major timing issue. LIGHTLY press off hand finger against cylinder while pulling the trigger. After hammer drop just make sure you don't have to wiggle cylinder any to get lock-up.
Actually, that's a tougher test to pass

Adding drag to the cylinder like that simulates what happens when some fouling accumulates on the gun while firing. If the gun passes that test, it's doing real well.
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Didn't think of it that way Victor, your right. I was thinking only in terms of getting the result after the hammer hitting instead of before giving it a little "fudge" room.

The "finger drag" is the way all our trainers test the timing of our revolvers hammerless or not at qualifications.