Buyers Club America


First let me say that I am not trying to Spam or sell anyone anything.
I talked to Rich and he told me to go ahead and post this here.

Over on Glock Talk a bunch of us got together came up with an idea to start a buyers co-operative. so that we could go in together and buy gun related products together as one entity to knock the prices down by buying in volume one thing led to another and ideas flew and we came up with a club and named it Buyers Club America. I have been working on this for two months and am in the process of opening accounts with a bunch of major Gun and accessories Manufactures/Distributors where we will be posting their catalogs and price sheets in a members only area on the site where members can go in browse through the catalogs and price sheets and use the online shopping cart to order anything in these catalogs all at distributor/Manufacture direct prices with no mark ups

The only fee for this particular package is $20.00 annually and that helps pay the clubs overhead year to year we also have free membership program where once a month we go in and choose a product or two find the best price Vs quantity break. then we post the price of the item and try to get enough people together to meet that minimum quantity. this part is free of any charges but does not include the online catalogs or the ability to buy an item at your leisure.

This is not a for profit club just the opposite we started this based on a desire for rock bottom prices on guns, ammo and accessories something like what we are doing has been a great need for along time now just look at how bad prices at the retail end of the industry has climbed look at mag prices for instance for the most part the hike in price is B.S. and as soon as I get the FFL set up we can all buy guns distributor direct and hopefully manufacture direct as well.

With the rate people have been joining we expect to be up over a 1,000 members in the next few months.

Most manufactures require a pretty good sized deposit to prove growth and over the last few days we have already received a significant boost in advanced membership pledges even before we have all of the accounts open and this has been the seed to get things rolling.

I hope you will all join us in this venture and when all is said and done and the catalogs are up and running if anyone hates the prices for any reason they will be granted a full refund.

Bottom line I am hoping for your trust and your faith in seeing how this going to work and I hope you will stand with us while we get this going.

Here is a link to the temporary site while we wait for the domain to be setup once there you can click on the membership button and fill out the online form and choose either the free group purchase package or the full $20.00 package which includes the future online catalogs.

We will have the actually Buyers Club Domain finished soon which will be but is not yet

you can also find more information on this on GT as well.

Just remember to keep checking this link for updates on progress over the next few weeks
Thanks Again Rich and everyone here who came over and signed up the responce from here has been tremendous to the effort.

If you have not yet signed up please take a look and see what we are all about.
Looks real good. Count me in.. As I spend most of my time on, I'm glad I dropped by TFL tonight.

Hey, have you thought about talking to Edward Avilla (AR15.COM Administrator) about posting the info there. I'm sure you'd get a warm response from the AR crowd over there.
Just a thought!

Sabre- Thanks yea we are talking with Edward now so should see something there soon and thanks for joining with us.

Ok got the prices in from one of the major distributors pretty decent on most of the stuff I can't wait to get the other accounts in as I know we will get lower prices on other items.

I want to post some more sample prices soon until we get them officially posted in the members area on the site here are a "few" examples out of the catalog These are just a speck on the sheet for Ammo
but here are some.

Premium Federal/American Eagle

Premium .223 FMJ Boat Tails 55GR

1,000 rounds in 20 round packs $203.00 + Shipping

500 rounds in 20 round packs $101.50 plus shipping

Single 20 Round Box Price $4.47 ea..


9AP 9MM Metal Case 115GR

1000 Rounds - in 50 round packs $143.40 Plus Shipping

500 Rounds - in 50 Round Packs $71.70 Plus Shipping

Single 50 round Box -$7.17 ea..

40SWA 40 S&W FMJ Truncated Cone 170GR

1000 Rounds - in 50 Round Packs $171.20 + Shipping

500 Rounds - in 50 round packs $85.60 + Shipping

Single Price 50 round box -$8.56

45A 45 Auto metal Case 230GR

1000 Rounds In 50 round Packs - $190.40 Plus Shipping

500 Rounds In 50 Round packs - $95.20 Plus Shipping

Single 50 Round Box Price $9.52 ea..

overall there are about 3000 to 4000 products in it and that's just one account so far.

The rest of the catalog has these sections in it.

Firearm Accessories
Knife Accessories
Laser Pointers
Martial Arts
Paint Guns
Pocket Tools
Police Equipment
Self Defense
Starter Guns

Lots more coming later prices will get cheaper once we have more accounts open and can compare it's like grocery shopping some stores (distributors in this case) have better buying relations with different manufactures which means better pricing.

mean while if you have not signed up for membership please consider it remember if we work together the prices will just keep falling

[This message has been edited by GT-Nick (edited October 05, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by GT-Nick (edited October 11, 1999).]
1,000 Rounds Mil Spec USA Brand 5.56 REM.223 55GR FMJ
50 Rounds per box 20 boxes per case

USA Brand ammo are really Winchester Q loads the same company who provides the U.S. Military with all it's rounds.

Good stuff your AR should like it well.
We calculated shipping through 8 zones which will cover all exluding Alaska & Hawaii email for additional shipping charges to those two areas.

Group QTY Goal: 500 Cases

Mininum Purchase: 1 Case

Price: $112.00 Shipping Included
Plus HazMat Shipping fee $13.00 and $3.00 Club handling fee

Total Price $128.00 Per Case Delivered to Your Door.

Thats $60.00 to $80.00 cheaper than retail/wholesale

Closing Date to Pledge: October 18, 1999

Delivery Date: first 10 days of November 1999

Terms: Check, Money Order, Cahiers check, or Credit card Draft Check.

To pledge you order

1. Post the quantity desired by replying to this thread

2.for those who have not yet signed up for membership to go over to the BCA website @
and fill out the membership form you can choose platinum or free because the group purchase is free to all.

3. I will contact you via email when it's time to send in your payment

If you have any questions please email me
Got any good deals on Fed GM308M?
Put me in for one case of the bug-bullets.

[This message has been edited by Mykl (edited October 14, 1999).]
Ok just to update everyone:

We pulled the deal on the Q3131 I talked directly with Winchester on Wednesday and they gave me a big song and dance about the reliability of the recent Q3131 Lots.

I did find out however that these particular cases of Q3131 are indeed the trouble makers.

I want to thank everyone here especially for jumping on and joining BCA and for alerting us of this dangerous and unreliable batch of Q3131.

We are now looking at going straight to IMI for the replacement deal.

We will see if it is cost effective to directly import from IMI.

In just three days we took in over 250 pledges for the .223 ammo totaling 425 cases and with a mininum group quantity of 500 cases we would have met that deadline easily. at least this was good trial run to see how the club would perform on meeting goals and that we all did flawlessly.

Meanwhile if you have not joined yet please consider doing so.

Remember we are all working together on this and once all is said and done and you don't like the prices we can get then you will get a full refund no questions asked on your membership.

But we need that advanced signing on to make this thing scream forward each one of you represents a percentage of buying power that all of us as a group will greatly benefit from.

to join go to the club site
and click on the membership button to join.

And a special thanks to the great number of users here that have already signed up

We will officially begin taking orders out of the online distributor catalogs on November 10, 1999
HOW MUCH FOR A CASE OF .223??!?!?!!?!


(I paid much much more... :( )

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
And now for the update.

I just filled out the ATF application for Importation of Firearms and ammunition certificate

Yes soon BCA will be a licensed importer of Guns & Ammo

This means we are going straight to IMI in Israel to get IMI from then on and straight from Eastern Europe to import 7.62x39 and other types of ammo.

Got a fax back today from IMI and our account with them is open pending the completion of our import certificate

It will take roughly 6 weeks for the form to process with the BATF

then we have to file under form 6 permit to import ammo shipments.

God I love the Feds Not!

I use to import computer parts from Hong Kong and Taiwan so I feel I have a good grip on the ropes through customs.

While we wait I am going to keep searching here in the U.S. for a good ammo deal
should have another batch of .223 lined up soon this time a very good batch hopefully the same price as the last run but that will take some work but we will find it.

The People who have jumped in and signed up for the $20.00 Platinum membership have provided the financial back-bone for this project which allowed us to get this club off the ground and help pay the high costs of starting something like this.

Thanks again for your positive input, faith, and trust that has advanced us towards our goal which is to never pay retail on guns & accessories and soon electronics & Military Surplus ever again.
Hi Rich,

Here is a basic description break-down of both programs that the club currently offers.


Platinum-Catalog Direct

Platinum-membership allows you to view our distributor contacts online catalogs and prices from distributors and manufactures of Sporting goods, Firearms Electronics and more. Also you can buy at your leisure the products you want at wholesale or manufacture direct prices any time you want them without the wait and assembly of a group discount purchase this area is for Platinum members only

Group Purchasing

This Free membership Program on Buyers Club America Works almost like a regular online auction accept that instead of competing with others to buy a product you are pledging together to buy products as a group to bring the prices of new products way way down, the more people who buy the cheaper the price becomes on products allowing us to go manufacture direct and get the lowest price possible on the market in fact lower than most retailers and even some distributors pay.

Once you see a product you want to purchase, you fill out the online purchase pledge form and send it to us. once we have met the manufactures minimum quantity of orders Vs discount price, we then submit you billing details place the order and ship to you directly.


[This message has been edited by GT-Nick (edited October 25, 1999).]