Buy Your Handguns Before the Election?


New member
Let's engage in rumor-mongoring(sp)!

I've heard from two sources (one public and one private) that if you plan to purchase a handgun, you had better do it before the election 'cause it ain't gonna be possible after the election.

Has anyone out there heard this particular warning?

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

Barry Goldwater--1964
From the handgun manufacturers marketing division.

Hey, Ed - spread a rumour on TFL, we need the business.

Seriously, what would happen? Legislation would have to be passed. We don't know the make up of Congress.

Right after the election it is still the current Congress.

If Gore wins and the Dems get both houses, then you can buy them in time to turn them over or plant them in the backyard. Then they will be picked up on satellite deep imaging radar. Well, maybe not that.
I agree this is the kind of rumor the marketing dweebs in a mfg would love to get started. One slight problem, Clinton has used the Executive Order with great gusto to enable those things the law finds objectionable or congress think ill-advised.

The guy has a lot of legislation that will grant the chief executive lots powers during a declared emergency. I am interested in seeing if anyone out there has heard this stuff.

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

Barry Goldwater--1964
I agree this is the kind of rumor the marketing dweebs in a mfg would love to get started. One slight problem, Clinton has used the Executive Order with great gusto to enable those things the law finds objectionable or congress think ill-advised.

The guy has a lot of legislation that will grant the chief executive lots powers during a declared emergency. I am interested in seeing if anyone out there has heard this stuff.

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

Barry Goldwater--1964
I have all the guns I can afford. What I would not be able to afford under a Gore presidency would be ammo. So, if Gore won, I'd go out and buy as many components as I could possibly afford. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

Want to send Bush a message? Sign the petition at and forward the link to every gun owner you know.
Why wait?
Remember though,If Gun-Control Al Gore or any of those Democrats get in there, they will probablly make every attempt to come get our handguns.
There are two more handguns (maybe three, but that's it honey, honest!) that I want/need, so I should have them by November anyway.

I work part-time for a gun shop and I see folks with this attitude from time to time, but it isn't prevalent at all. When I started working there I actually thought that more people would have that sort of thought and be acting on it. Not many, though.