Buy now or later?


So I currently reside in California. Once I graduate, in about a year or so, I plan on moving to Texas. I am in the market for an AR-15. My question here is: Should I buy one now while in Cali? Or just wait till I get to Texas?

I have thought about this alot over the past few weeks. If I buy here in Cali then i'm gonna have the whole bullet button and magazine capacity bull crap to deal with till I leave. Also, If I buy here then once I get to Texas I will have to spend extra money to get the mag release replaced or fixed (I think). If I wait however, then by next year (in Cali) there will be even more restrictions on the type of AR I can buy. Im not to knowledgeable on the subject but I believe it has something to do with not having collapsible stocks and not being able to remove the mag. IDK.

If I wait till Texas. Then none of this will matter. But there is no guarantee that I will leave next year. Im on the fence on this one guys. Any opinions or thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. Pros and cons???
I would buy a lower and upper receiver now. Then research and buy parts to complete the build over time. Just a thought.
Get a lower and parts kit now. If you can get a "pistol."

I don't live in Cali and I am not an expert, but I looked up how the bullet buttons work once and I don't think they are that hard to remove. It just requires the use of a few simple tools and that makes it not immediately removable. I might be wrong on that.
I believe Mr. Turtlehead has the right idea. Buy the lower and upper now and when you move to a free state build what you want.
Buy something now that you won't have to undo later. If you don't already have a lever-action rifle, get that now. Or, get the best model 70 Winchester you can obtain first, then the levergun. apparently, Texas can wait.
I would buy now. Who knows what the future brings. And if for some reason you don't leave you have something to play with at the range.
I was thinking about this a bit last night and what I would do in your situation. A year is a long time and things change, I would pick up a mini-14, they are not subject to California's ridiculous laws right? I'm asking because I don't believe they are but at the same time don't care enough to research it. Anyway, Mini's are a hoot to shoot, no bullet button and you would have something you could enjoy shooting now. If your plans don't change, you actually relocate to Tx. and assuming they are still available, then get your AR.
If you can't afford to buy now and buy later(I can't) then I would wait. Even if Hillary wins(and she probably will unfortunately) changes won't take in to effect over night and you'll have a lot more options in Texas. Don't settle for a gun you don't want.

However, if a CA compliant AR fits what you want, then buy now! My dream AR was always a 24 inch stainless bull barrel with an A2 stock...i live in Maryland and it just so happens to be the epitome of a Maryland compliant AR
Buy now.

Gun laws are not going to get less restrictive, or guns cheaper, especially if The Hildabeast gets elected ( which is likely ).

Better be buying ammo as well.

The morning after she is elected, the shelves at retail outlets will be barren of .22 rimfire, 9mm, .45 ACP, and .223 .

AR - 15's and parts and accessories will be unobtanium.