Buy low, -----buy NOW

Judge Blackhawk

New member
I hear all of this gun grabber stuff and dont buy from this gun company, for this reason, and dont buy from that company for that reason.... Well fellas and ladies it dont matter a hill of beans who is makin' the guns. I sure as hell cant make a 1911 for myself or a nice P-90 or a Glock 30.. can you??????

So here is my advice and it is simple. Buy as many as you can afford from what every company's guns you like.

I love Kimbers, Rugers, and Sigs. I have bought as many as my pocket book and wife will allow.

If you have a gun style that you love but hear bad things about that company... does it really matter to you when you are having a blast (pardon the pun) at the range or carrying it.

I hate some of their policies, but dear Lord I love their weapons. And God willing I will be able to purchase some more of their great weapons and support my own policies at the ballot box and through this and other web sites.

God bless you all and good shooting.

Judge Blackhawk

Governments ability to control is directly related to its ability to disarm -- Judge Blackhawk
Judge- Do you worry at all about the possibility somewhere down the road, of confiscation,probably with meager compensation, or regulations so stringent that ownership could become a real burden causing market values to drop.It seems to me,much as I hate it, that we could well be headed that way.This makes me wonder how big a collection of items, I virtually never use,can I justify keeping,from a strictly financial standpoint.Unfortunately, I'm a rank conservative so perhaps I'm too pessimistic, but I've been cutting back for some time for this very reason.I hope someone can convince me I'm wrong

I bought a whole bunch of pistols for the very reasons you mention. Prices and availability are not getting any better. Then I realized that the more guns I have, the more I stand to lose in the face of impending confiscation. I have sold almost all of my handguns to various individual buyers. I sold them for cash and I really can't remember who bought what. I am terrible with names.
I dont know about confiscatioin, but I will tell you this, I will NOT turn in my weapons when our government tells me too.

That is the last straw. I will turn in my bar card, and resign from society. But they will not have my weapons. PERIOD.

I have dealt with enough criminals to know, that the system sucks and the government is the biggest crook that is out there.

Judge Blackhawk

Governments ability to control is directly related to its ability to disarm -- judge blackhawk
Judge Blackhawk: I agree 100%. Not only stockpile firearms but also components. Look what the city of L.A. is trying to do. Ban ammo sales, component and even the tools to do reloading.
Anyone who does'nt believe that we who stockpile will someday supply those who don't, and not for profit either, is not a realist. Read HISTORY!!!!!!

From my cold dead hands.
I too believe confiscation is not too far down the road . I used to have a pretty large collection and have been selling it off for the last 2 years , so are most of the people I interact with from a collecting standpoint . I will hang on to 15 or 20 favorites for as long as possible but I do not want to chance losing thousands of dollars in collectibles . I do not know how I will react when and if they confiscate , but I do know in the end they will win . Good luck , Mike...
I have thoughts about getting fifty cents on the dollar or less for my collection. Like Ankeny, I have sold so many guns to private individuals and don't have any idea what all the firearms were I sold and who I sold them to. I had that stuff written down and lost it.
Well I guess I am just an optimist. I can see more restriction, I can see the industry selling only to LEO's and Military, I can see the same thing happening to the ammunition indusrty but I just dont believe that the Government will confiscate all handguns. If the Liberals can put the Industy out of buisness or make it not worth there while to sell to the general public then they can over a long period of time, accomplish the same thing without changing the Consitiution.. The handguns that I own will easily last the rest of my life time and probably my Sons. I just hope for the best...
Buy everything you can, when you can, from whomever you can. There will come a time, soon enough, when we'll moan for the good ol' days when we still could legally buy and have a choice. I'm amazed at what is still available today when it comes to firearms. Thanks Judge for telling it like it is...

ff the 2nd. No fate but what we make.

I don't think we should look at the decision of whether or not to keep our firearms based upon a strictly economic point of view. Your firearms legal or banned will retain their value.

What do you think a Glock 17 would sell for in Japan or the former USSR? Places where only the rich and connected or criminal possess them. Research this and you'll find that a G17 will sell for much more in Japan than the $400+ you paid for it.

I know, your serial numbers are directly traceable to you in the event you eventually sell your firearms on the black market to come. However, ask yourself this: Can they prove when you sold it?

Further, how many of you are willing to give up your Constitutional rights for purely economic reasons? Do you really believe we are going to maintain a similar standard of living once we become a Socialistic state as has happened in Great(?) Britain?

Frankly, I will not surrender my firearms under ANY circumstances. I do not believe in the good will of our government. Stated simply, I will become an outlaw. If the feds come a knocking on the door they won't find my cache.

No, I'm not a dooms day freak. Not a militia member. Nor any other sterotype pegged to gun owners as created by today's popular media.

I'm highly educated, reasonably successful, social and a good citizen who believes in our Constitution and our nation. However, I will not obey any laws which are contrary to our Bill of Rights.

How many of your are willing to give up a $85,000+/year job to defend your Constitutional rights? I am.

[This message has been edited by DesertRat (edited January 01, 2000).]
My $0.02, FWIW.

I am purchasing arms that I NEED, not for collecting purposes. I have nothing against those who buy them to store and look at from time to time. I'm just different.

In the near future, I will have (1) 9mm pistol, (1) .45 ACP pistol, (1) 12-ga. shotgun, (1) rifle in .22LR (1) rifle in 5.56 NATO, (1) rifle in 7.62 x 39mm, and (1) rifle in 7.62 NATO. Five of these I have now. The other two I should have in three to four months. In case it is not obvious, most of these are standard military calibers, thus, ammo availability should never be an issue. I also plan to stock up on spare parts for all of them, as I believe that is more important than additional weapons. Once again, my choice, and it doesn't have to be yours. Also, if I have fewer weapons it means that I can concentrate my practice time and money and become VERY good with all of them rather than spreading myself thin over a wide range of styles and calibers.

The rest of the money that I would have potentially spent on firearms I will spend on ammunition and reloading supplies for my selected calibers, just in case that ammo supply does dry up some day.
"I dont know about confiscatioin, but I will tell you this, I will NOT turn in my weapons when our government tells me too.
That is the last straw. I will turn in my bar card, and resign from society. But they will not have my weapons. PERIOD."

I have dealt with enough criminals to know, that the system sucks and the government is the biggest crook that is out there.

Judge: As I am reading all the comments on this post. I am glad to know that there are certain adjudicators like you whom I have semblance of thinking re gov't stands and policies. Your statements will strengthen our principles as private citizens in the stand to possess firearms.

With my respect.

Sonny Dalire Y Torres
Before private sales are banned, I will have sold nearly all of my guns and privately purchased or traded a few others. I still miss the ones I lost when the canoe tipped over in the rapids. Those were my favorites.

Guess I'll still be stuck with the Jennings when confiscation begins. That one's not worth dying for. Glad my CCW doesn't have to specify any particular handgun.

Teach a non-shooter to shoot. Educate a voter.